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Mental Health Support Society XXI

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Original post by PonchoKid
Saturday i literally stayed in bed instead of going to uni, then sunday my mum picked me up to get a takeaway at hers which was nice, and we had a day in uni today so saw everyone. But back at placenent tomorrow for 2 night shifts.
Just got to keep going i guess even though its reallly hard.

Hm, how long is it until your next break? In a degree it is sometimes best to just keep going ... only to a certain extent, but when the end is not so far away I think, sometimes being a robot and just study, is (sadly) very common at one point. And you are not alone in doing this.
Got a night shift tonight and tomorrow night :yawn: but needs must i guess, least then my nights are done just hope they dont make me worse
Original post by Nathanielle_
Hm, how long is it until your next break? In a degree it is sometimes best to just keep going ... only to a certain extent, but when the end is not so far away I think, sometimes being a robot and just study, is (sadly) very common at one point. And you are not alone in doing this.

We go back into uni last week of feb and its always nice to be back in uni spending time with everyone, but next time off is middle of april. But by the time we get back to uni most of our written work for the year will be done and well only have 2 assignments to do which should be fine hopefully
Sending hugs to everyone struggling atm, esp. Anon 14 and @PonchoKid :grouphugs:
Original post by The_Lonely_Goatherd
Sending hugs to everyone struggling atm, esp. Anon 14 and @PonchoKid :grouphugs:

Thankyou TLG :jumphug:
Original post by PonchoKid
We go back into uni last week of feb and its always nice to be back in uni spending time with everyone, but next time off is middle of april. But by the time we get back to uni most of our written work for the year will be done and well only have 2 assignments to do which should be fine hopefully

That is at least not too long, even though it is not short either. But spring and light will make it automatically better. :smile:
Original post by Nathanielle_
That is at least not too long, even though it is not short either. But spring and light will make it automatically better. :smile:

Nahhh, and dissertations due 12th feb so once thats in i wont be as stressed with it all
Original post by PonchoKid
Nahhh, and dissertations due 12th feb so once thats in i wont be as stressed with it all

Don’t you just love it when you’re in a WhatsApp group and someone makes sly digs at you/about you? Tempted to be petty and reply, but don’t particularly want to stoop down to their pathetic level :smile:

Also, mental health feels like it’s been a bit all over the place, and it’s draining :frown:
Think I'm steadily heading for crisis.
Original post by Anonymous
Think I'm steadily heading for crisis.

******* done :angry:

Someone has been in my room, and been touching my stuff :cry:
And following my last post, this person KNOWS I don’t like my stuff being touched :/
Original post by Anonymous
******* done :angry:
Someone has been in my room, and been touching my stuff :cry:

my sister stole my stuffed animals like give those back they help me not feel alone on my hard nights or when I'm overthinking and she broke my rubix cubes
Original post by idkk...
my sister stole my stuffed animals like give those back they help me not feel alone on my hard nights or when I'm overthinking and she broke my rubix cubes

Sorry to hear that :hugs:

My OCD plants the thought in my head that if someone touches my stuff, it’s contaminated
Eurgh just found out someone has been in my room, AGAIN :facepalm:. Can’t seem to say anything as I’ll get b*****d at for it. Mentally suffering and no one giving a damn as it seems no one cares
Original post by Anonymous
Eurgh just found out someone has been in my room, AGAIN :facepalm:. Can’t seem to say anything as I’ll get b*****d at for it. Mentally suffering and no one giving a damn as it seems no one cares

have you considered getting a lock for your door? you can find one that's easy to install and doesn't require anything more than a screwdriver
Original post by Anonymous
have you considered getting a lock for your door? you can find one that's easy to install and doesn't require anything more than a screwdriver

I really want to, but I have a wooden door, so not sure how difficult it’ll be to do. And I know I’ll probably get b*****d at for getting it on and could possibly be forced to take it off -.-
Original post by Anonymous
I really want to, but I have a wooden door, so not sure how difficult it’ll be to do. And I know I’ll probably get b*****d at for getting it on and could possibly be forced to take it off -.-

aww I'm sorry:hugs:my dad just broke my door when I tried to get a lock
Original post by idkk...
aww I'm sorry:hugs:my dad just broke my door when I tried to get a lock

Oh no, sorry to hear that :hugs:

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