The Student Room Group

Mental Health Support Society XXI

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Original post by Pathway
Exactly, it's so frustrating. I know they're likely gonna use it against me as well, like before. :rolleyes:

Can you take some time off? Is that an option? :console: Might be a good idea to call them, yeah. hopefully they can help.

There good at using **** against you for their own shitness.

Nahh, were really short staffed due to people being on holiday (which adds to my stress) but im off for 9 days after next week, so iv only got 1 more week to get through before i get a week off. Just gotta get to that week :lol:
As usual the nights are when the intrusive thoughts come in the loudest
Anyone reply to me??
Original post by PandaWho
There good at using **** against you for their own shitness.

Nahh, were really short staffed due to people being on holiday (which adds to my stress) but im off for 9 days after next week, so iv only got 1 more week to get through before i get a week off. Just gotta get to that week :lol:
As usual the nights are when the intrusive thoughts come in the loudest

Oh man! I hope that the next week isn't too bad. :frown: Sounds horribly stressful.
Original post by Pathway
Oh man! I hope that the next week isn't too bad. :frown: Sounds horribly stressful.

It probably will be if todays anything to go by, but hey what can i do, and ringing in sick certainly wont help anyone so iv just got to put up and shut up. And just keep putting that mask on when i walk out of my door
Original post by CoolCavy
Past SH TW:



Original post by PandaWho
It probably will be if todays anything to go by, but hey what can i do, and ringing in sick certainly wont help anyone so iv just got to put up and shut up. And just keep putting that mask on when i walk out of my door

:hugs: Be kind to yourself. :redface:

Original post by CoolCavy
Past SH TW:


:hugs: People are so rude. :s-smilie:

Well done on the year though! :woo:
Original post by CoolCavy
Past SH TW:



Oh boohoo nothing helps. I’m too damaged for people to help me.
Original post by jackmarshal757
Oh boohoo nothing helps. I’m too damaged for people to help me.

You really got nothing better to do? :yawn:
Original post by Sabertooth
You really got nothing better to do? :yawn:

No, because I’m completely lonely, have no friends and ignored by the people that say they care about me
Original post by jackmarshal757
No, because I’m completely lonely, have no friends and ignored by the people that say they care about me

I can relate you. Everyone tells you they are there for you but when you really need help, everyone suddenly disappears. People are fake and no one is ready to listen and help
Original post by Anonymous
Let’s not pretend here guys. No one is helping anyone. It’s fuc*ng bulshit when you people say that I’m here for ya if you need someone to talk blah blah.

:curious: People on here do help others, but we also have our own MH issues, so we can't always help everyone. We do our best.
Have been feeling proper down for a week now and I just dont know what to do. My family think everything is fine but I just can't get into it because they'd never understand. I have just been crying because I am just not feeling confident at all about everything about myself and I feel like everyone hates me.

Im just scared about growing up and thinking about it makes me throw up its that bad which I think that is my main thing that's making me feel like this. I barley have friends, no hobbies or anything and I just want to lay in bed to cry. Lockdown has caused so much issues now and it sucks so much but we are going to have regular lockdowns for a very long time and if not its just going to be permanent now. People aren't going to accept that lock won't go away but that's what it is unfortunately. The government aren't going to just lift it like that within the next 10 years. So everything just sucks so much, lockdowns and then the other **** I have as well like its just so ****.

My family are always happy but im just here crying everyday, they want me to go down and join them for a meal because its my parents wedding anniversary and I have sit there smiling like everything is ok but I'm far from it.
Original post by Pathway
:curious: People on here do help others, but we also have our own MH issues, so we can't always help everyone. We do our best.

He’s right, nothing helps and nobody can, I’m too much of a hopeless case to actually be helped and I cause too much pain to those I love and care about when I tell them all my struggles.
Original post by Anonymous
Have been feeling proper down for a week now and I just dont know what to do. My family think everything is fine but I just can't get into it because they'd never understand. I have just been crying because I am just not feeling confident at all about everything about myself and I feel like everyone hates me.

Im just scared about growing up and thinking about it makes me throw up its that bad which I think that is my main thing that's making me feel like this. I barley have friends, no hobbies or anything and I just want to lay in bed to cry. Lockdown has caused so much issues now and it sucks so much but we are going to have regular lockdowns for a very long time and if not its just going to be permanent now. People aren't going to accept that lock won't go away but that's what it is unfortunately. The government aren't going to just lift it like that within the next 10 years. So everything just sucks so much, lockdowns and then the other **** I have as well like its just so ****.

My family are always happy but im just here crying everyday, they want me to go down and join them for a meal because its my parents wedding anniversary and I have sit there smiling like everything is ok but I'm far from it.

I feel this so much growing up absolutely terrifies me. I won’t say much more as I don’t want to make it worse for you. My main coping thing is distraction 24/7 I listen to music basically all day to stop the over thinking I’m Not sure if that will help you everyone is differnt. I hope it improves for you at some times soon. You can also send an anonymous email to the Samaritans I found that really helped me once as it’s like pouring everything you feel into one email.
Original post by Anonymous
I feel this so much growing up absolutely terrifies me. I won’t say much more as I don’t want to make it worse for you. My main coping thing is distraction 24/7 I listen to music basically all day to stop the over thinking I’m Not sure if that will help you everyone is differnt. I hope it improves for you at some times soon. You can also send an anonymous email to the Samaritans I found that really helped me once as it’s like pouring everything you feel into one email.

Original post by Anonymous
Yep anon 36 is right, I am clearly struggling yet no one is helping me or supporting me or anything, people are only supporting users with high rep and that just shows the arrogance of people.

People dont only support people with a higher rep in this society at all. Alot of us that support each other have been in this society for many many years so have got to know each otger quite well and know each others back ground and stories. But wel also support other people when our own mental health allows.

I hace said it before and ill say it again about anon posters. Its hard to keep up with whos who especially on the app cos it doesnt show which anon you are. Its hard to know if youv posted before, what your story is, if youv seeked professional help, and what advice youv been given before.

Noone is arogent in this societt, infact the complete opposite, iv met many memvers from here in real life and they are some of the kindest most supportive people iv come accross.

Ecery few months this conversation is brought up, but theres not much we can do, we try our hardest to support everyone, but at the end of the day we have our own stuff to deal with too.

Sorry your feeling like this but coming on here being defensive isnt the right way to go about it.
Can TSR stop sending me those ‘please look after yourself notices’ - it’s incredibly annoying.
Original post by jackmarshal757
Can TSR stop sending me those ‘please look after yourself notices’ - it’s incredibly annoying.

Tjey do it as your posting things that are against the rules and they want to keep you and other memvers safe. Yes they can be annoying but they are there as a safeguarding measure

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