The Student Room Group

Optometry Vs Orthoptics


Do you think I should go for optometry, orthoptics or something else completely?

Hi all
I really badly need everyones opinion on this, so I'm going to go ahead and rant away, and hopefully someone will reply and give me advice from both sides. =]

I've been working at an opticians (saturdays) for 2 years, being an optical assistant. I'm in my second year of college studying Bio Chem and Maths. In my AS' I got CCC but my teachers say I should get B's this year if i carry on working the way i am.
I've done bits of work experience and shadowing to aid my orthoptics application [2 weeks work exp in a school with 4-5 year olds] shadowed in liverpool royal for a day and im shadowing in st helens hospital orthoptics department in a couple of weeks time, for a week.
My form tutor in college says I can't just apply for Orthoptics at Liverpool and Sheffield, that I need to apply for more courses. I thought of applying for a foundation degree, but seeing as I've done a levels i doubt they would take me on.
So I'm deliberating applying for Optometry at Manchester, but I need an A in bio. I'm thinking of getting a tutor and working my arse off, but I'm not so sure seeing as I've had my heart set on orthoptics for a long time. Does anyone know if this would be possible if I had no social life for like, ever?
I'm learning how to dispense in work now, and I know this will help an optometry application. And it's hard to get a decent opinion from anyone in work because they're all so bias and tell me to do optometry.
I know the big difference is the money, but I think orthoptics appeals more to me.
If all else fails, I'm gunna go the DO course, CL course and then the optom course in work anyway [which i'm aware will take ages]
But I could really do with some advice for what to do! I'm proper confused, and I dunno what else to apply for =/

Anyone who could help me at all would be great, just cause I've got no idea what else to do.
Oh and also; what's the difference between Sheffield and Liverpool orthoptics? just cause the entry requirements where higher and I was just wondering =]

Thanks for looking even if you have no clue what to say! :smile:
Reply 1
Hi all
I really badly need everyones opinion on this, so I'm going to go ahead and rant away, and hopefully someone will reply and give me advice from both sides. =]

I've been working at an opticians (saturdays) for 2 years, being an optical assistant. I'm in my second year of college studying Bio Chem and Maths. In my AS' I got CCC but my teachers say I should get B's this year if i carry on working the way i am.
I've done bits of work experience and shadowing to aid my orthoptics application [2 weeks work exp in a school with 4-5 year olds] shadowed in liverpool royal for a day and im shadowing in st helens hospital orthoptics department in a couple of weeks time, for a week.
My form tutor in college says I can't just apply for Orthoptics at Liverpool and Sheffield, that I need to apply for more courses. I thought of applying for a foundation degree, but seeing as I've done a levels i doubt they would take me on.
So I'm deliberating applying for Optometry at Manchester, but I need an A in bio. I'm thinking of getting a tutor and working my arse off, but I'm not so sure seeing as I've had my heart set on orthoptics for a long time. Does anyone know if this would be possible if I had no social life for like, ever?
I'm learning how to dispense in work now, and I know this will help an optometry application. And it's hard to get a decent opinion from anyone in work because they're all so bias and tell me to do optometry.
I know the big difference is the money, but I think orthoptics appeals more to me.
If all else fails, I'm gunna go the DO course, CL course and then the optom course in work anyway [which i'm aware will take ages]
But I could really do with some advice for what to do! I'm proper confused, and I dunno what else to apply for =/

Anyone who could help me at all would be great, just cause I've got no idea what else to do.
Oh and also; what's the difference between Sheffield and Liverpool orthoptics? just cause the entry requirements where higher and I was just wondering =]

Thanks for looking even if you have no clue what to say! :smile:

You shouldnt just do optometry because of the difference in salary. i am in my 3rd year, doing optometry at glasgow cale and i love it!

but thats me... and this is about you- you say orthoptics appeals to you more so go for it!!

another thing, you will have to work really hard to get your grades up to get into optometry- it is a competitive course.

i would probably apply to the orthoptics courses at the uni's which suit you, and also apply to a couple of uni's for optometry- since you have 5 places to fill. i would write my personal statement directed at both orthoptics and optometry- it shouldn't be hard to combine both as the work experience etc relates to both courses.

then when you get offers etc from uni's, you can make firm/insurance choices accordingly.

if you need any advice, im always happy to help.
Thanks for replying!
Yeah, I did a list of pros and cons for both orthoptics and optometry, and the only good thing about optom was the money.
It's just so hard with everyone going on about optometry to me in work, and I guess I've already got my pre-reg sorted and a job when I graduate =/. But I don't like the optoms in work, it's all sellsellsell, and that's not what I wanna do. I think I should do orthoptics tbh, but I just don't wanna always be thinking what if, sorta thing?
Reply 3
hi as someone who was in the same situation as you i am now studying orthoptics and think i made the right decision. u are always goin to have the niggly thought what if etc but orthoptics is alot more varied optom is pure boring!!! besides u can always change if u wanted.
Reply 4
hi as someone who was in the same situation as you i am now studying orthoptics and think i made the right decision. u are always goin to have the niggly thought what if etc but orthoptics is alot more varied optom is pure boring!!! besides u can always change if u wanted.

i beg to differ... optometry is great!! but thats me haha :yep:
Personally I'd say do the one that you think you'll get the most job satisfaction out of. That's what I did, when I applied for speech therapy instead of medicine like a lot of my family thought I should do! I knew that speech therapy was (and is!) what I wanted to do, and ok I won't ever be rich, but I think I'll be happy :smile:

*Disney moment* Follow your heart!! :p: lol

Edit: there's definitely no harm in applying to a couple of optometry courses too though, so you don't waste your application spaces! (I'm assuming only two universities do orthoptics or something?)
Personally I'd say do the one that you think you'll get the most job satisfaction out of. That's what I did, when I applied for speech therapy instead of medicine like a lot of my family thought I should do! I knew that speech therapy was (and is!) what I wanted to do, and ok I won't ever be rich, but I think I'll be happy :smile:

*Disney moment* Follow your heart!! :p: lol

Edit: there's definitely no harm in applying to a couple of optometry courses too though, so you don't waste your application spaces! (I'm assuming only two universities do orthoptics or something?)

Yeah, well I can't live away from home, so I can only apply at manchester for optometry, I'm not aiming my PS towards optometry at all though, seeing as for optom I presume all they will look at is my grades really. I'm applying at sheffield for orthoptics too but I would strongly prefer to go locally, to liverpool.

hi as someone who was in the same situation as you i am now studying orthoptics and think i made the right decision. u are always goin to have the niggly thought what if etc but orthoptics is alot more varied optom is pure boring!!! besides u can always change if u wanted.

:eek: AN ORTHOPTIST!! A rarity on TSR. Come back!!! :biggrin: Yeah I really wanna do orthoptics now, I know it's what I really wanna do, it's all them damn optoms in work harassing me :p: I don't suppose you'd mind looking through my personal statement for me? You're probs busy but I've not had chance to get an orthoptist to look though it yet? Let me know! Thanks! :biggrin:
Reply 7
im in the same position, cant decide wether to go for optom or orthoptics. it changes every day! ah well :smile:
im in the same position, cant decide wether to go for optom or orthoptics. it changes every day! ah well :smile:

haha, this thread is pure old! Are you in Lower 6 now or upper? PM me or come join the orthoptics thread [see my sig :tongue:] if you desire, i'll have a full on ramble and help you decide =D Or ask us in the orthoptics thread. I think theres an optometry thread around too somewhere? What i found really helpful was make a big list of pros and cons of each one, the only good thing I had about Optometry was money :tongue:. But feel free to come for a natter!
Reply 9
hey i know u guys probably wont reply but i might as well try im a potential orthoptist / optometrist and maybe medic if i can get the grades was just wondering earlier you mentioned salary? from what i researched orthoptists get paid more? or are my facts wrong? let me know please! thankss
Reply 10
Hi how do you think i should write my personal statement so it has both orthoptics and optometry included, as i want to apply for both?
I'm still in lower sixth but trying to decide which course I want to do. I have done a load of work experience, as an optom in a hospital and private practise and as an orthoptist.
I think I've decided that I don't want to end up working in the high street long term, but I've seen far worse jobs :tongue: !
So which course do you all reckon I should do? The job prospects seem a lot better for optom, but then again I'll end up with a big student loan!

Would appreciate any input
is it not possible to get a job in a hospital as an optometrist, you wont be selling there