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Reply 1
It's fine. Past 18 years old it's very common for people to date others who are 2-5 years age difference etc - keep in mind that the difference in maturity levels of a 20 year old and a 23 year old isn't that far apart.
Reply 2
No i dont think its an age gap at all, aslong as you get on well together thats the most important thing!
Reply 3
it really depends on the guy and how mature he is.( you know, some guys take longer.. etc etc)
but only because there is an age gap of 3 years, that's certainly no reason for it being weird!
it isn't a problem unless you make it a problem.
I don't think it's weird at all. Go for it.
Reply 6
no probs
I'm 23, he's 20!
Go for it!

Ppl say that I look my age and he looks older but still younger than me but he doesn't mind and I don't either!

I love him and he loves me.. that's the important thing!
Reply 8
This topic has been done to death.

I'm 23, my guy is 19, soon to turn 20. Doesn't matter.
im 23 and my girlfriend is 18 :wink:

the age gap doesn't matter as long as you get along and it works =)
Why does it matter? As long as you are happy.
Reply 11
No, three years doesn't matter. It would if you were ten and seven but hey, you're not THAT dumb, are you?
Reply 12
I know a 21 year old girl who's seeing a 31 year old guy, and they're really happy. So as long as your happy, why does it matter?
I don't see the big deal with age gaps myself.
nothing wrong with it, my partner is 23 and im cant be that bad
Reply 14
difference between 20-23 is nothing..
Reply 15
My friend is 28 going out with a guy who has just turned 24. They have been together nearly 5 years so met when she was 24 and he was 19! At first they worried about others who poked fun until 1 friend told them to ignore it, which is a good thing they did as they are so happy and suited together :smile:
Is it ok to date a 20 year old female
Is it ok to date a 20 year old female
T-T Why does this conversation make me regret being single. I used to date a 29 year old before we broke up 6 months ago.. Id say it doesn't matter as long as the couple has a mutual relationship.
Im 22 year old and my girlfriend is 20 years old and I'm I Love with my girlfriend so. can I date a 20 year old girl