The Student Room Group

Nasty Friend? - Sixth-Form

Please keep anon; as friend uses this site.

(Sorry if this is in the wrong place.. Wasn't quite sure where to put it).

Anyway; So from recent threads Ive posted about Sixth-form, saying I didnt want to go back etc and about that one in particular girl who made my life hell in year 12 by saying my work was rubbish etc.. She's striking again.

In ICT I was quite stuck, not too a complete "Im never going to get this" level, but I just needed to know where to go from where I had gotten upto..So I asked around from my peers who sit on my row in ICT and was quite shocked to find no one would help, everyone said they were stuck them-selves which fair enough most of them were, but this one girl who has been nasty before said to me "Oh god im not helping you, your just a no hoper, look at you, your blonde, you don't get anything; everytime I try to explain something to you, you just get more confused and so no im not even attempting to help you."

Then I Asked the boy next to her.. he said "No.. im not trying it"

Now, im not thick, I got a C In my AS ICT and im retaking a module this January to knock it upto a B, my teacher says im really good at the things we do and he has high hopes for my overall A2 Grades, the thing is, it's friends like that girl (Who is also in my English Classes) that puts me down and makes me think I can't do the work and give in.

So, for the rest of the lesson I sat there; doing nothing.

Please help, just because she's a straight A Student and goes around shouting "Ive done it Sir, Ive done it" She thinks she has priority over everyone else and looks down upon them; especially me who only joined that school in year 12 and doesnt quite like me because im not from a Grammar School originally and she thinks those who go to normal schools are all scum.

So, yeah, help please..Im lost with where to go from now?
Reply 1
she sounds immature and annoying
you should punch her in the face or take the more subtle approach and put dog poo in her bag when she's not looking - you would have to do it quick though as to avoid stinking your own bag out
ps - is she ugly?
Can't you just backhand her face? :confused: It will atleast make you feel better.
Reply 3
Sounds like a girl who came to my school in year 12, except she wasn't a straight a student, and wa spractically outcast by the entire sixth form because of what she was like.

she left now...

just complain to your head of sixth form, or try move places or something.

I really dislike people like her, have dealt with them my WHOLE life!

She really isnt a friend if thats the way she is, me personally would ignore her and try show her up at her own game, and that is try to outsmart her!
It sounds as though she is jealous of you, especially in hindsight of the blonde comment.

Remember the old adage, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"? Well that is the case here, she is trying to make you feel insignificant. Just rise above the comments and you will come out the other side a better and more respected person.
Reply 6
Find something she is bad at or a bad characteristic of hers, then whenever she pokes your academics, verbally beat the ****** out of her.

"I'm not helping you blah blah I'm a bitch blah blah"

"You know, you talk a lot of ****** for a fat bitch"

*walks away*
Reply 7
Hi guys; thanks for your replys.

Haha, the many of times Ive nearly smacked her; but that'd get me into trouble, she'd like that!

She really is difficult, and its getting her no where as all her friends slag her off..

And to make matters worse she's just gotten a boyfriend in school and they feel each others 'areas' Whilst sat next to me in ICT Lessons.. Oh god they make me sick because yah theyre both ugly:biggrin: .

I think what made me the most angry was that she called me 'Blonde and stupid'.. Im not even bloody Blonde naturally; it's like a light brown with Blonde highlights! Just because I have better hair than her *PAH* :wink:

Any more tips on how I can not let this get to me?
Ummm... maturely just ask other people for help ignoring that girl, calmly ask a teacher for help. Then when you get better grades than the girl calmly point it out. :biggrin:
punch her in the overy
that's like when you try to borrow notes from someone when you've missed a lesson. They always give you the excuse that they haven't taken any notes, the hyprocrites.

just ignore them and ask the teacher to help you.