The Student Room Group
Reply 1
What is your age?
Reply 2
16 :smile:
Don't forget the discount you'll be getting on the classy jewellery ;-)
Reply 4
erm my firend worked there I think it was £4.89
Reply 5
Don't forget the discount you'll be getting on the classy jewellery ;-)

Rep. :smile:
Reply 6
erm my friend worked there I think it was £4.89 if I remember correctly and she got time and a half on sundays
Reply 7
ahahaha classy jewellerY, YEAH alright and thanks guys i think i just got a job there, maybe lol :smile:
£4.59 i thinks... and no time and a half according to good old fashioned home retail group rules...

Plus 10% discount plus 20% at homebase... Woot...
Reply 9
Pay went up recently - its now £5.06 for under 18 customer advisors :biggrin:

And it is time and a half on sunday
does anyone know the hourly pay for argos??? and if its a decent place to work like :smile:


I have worked at Argos for 2 years now and it varies. It can be very demanding and frustrating at times especially during christmas and New Cat. Lauch, but it is also very rewarding. You will have fun working there, as long as you work hard, and remember to do your "321 checks.." :yes:
I was studying at the same time so it can be a bit tiring but you should be able to pull through no problem. If you have any other questions just ask me :cool: Remember to keep your cool even when the customer you're serving can be a right prat.
Reply 11
does anyone know the hourly pay for argos??? and if its a decent place to work like :smile:


I've been working there for one year now, started last year as a christmas temp and they kept me on.
Its 5.42 an hour for under 18's.
Over 18's its 6.03
and you get time and a half on sundays, and double time on bank holidays :]

Hope this helps, its a fun place to work, especially at christmas :] x
I've been working there for one year now, started last year as a christmas temp and they kept me on.
Its 5.42 an hour for under 18's.
Over 18's its 6.03
and you get time and a half on sundays, and double time on bank holidays :]

Hope this helps, its a fun place to work, especially at christmas :] x

I was wandering around what month did they call you for an interview. As I've been waiting 3 weeks.
I've been working there for one year now, started last year as a christmas temp and they kept me on.
Its 5.42 an hour for under 18's.
Over 18's its 6.03
and you get time and a half on sundays, and double time on bank holidays :]

Hope this helps, its a fun place to work, especially at christmas :] x

Thats wrong, it is £5.73 for over 18s, and I know this for sure. Because I not only asked, but actually calculate my paid hours in my pay cheque, plus i have worked there for 3 years now. Pay will be increasing however to 5.80ish. Not a massive increase, but there you go.

However you are right about time and a half, and double time.

Plus they pay you basic contracted hours monthly, however any overtime hours are paid each month in this method. They only pay last months last 2 weeks, and the new month in which you are paid's first 2 weeks. Then the final two weeks overtime for the new month, will be in the next pay cheque
I was wandering around what month did they call you for an interview. As I've been waiting 3 weeks.

There isnt really a set time, as all managers have a varied aount of application forms to get through. However, our store manager said he will be calling for interviews in the next 4 weeks for the christmas temps
Reply 15
It must vary, I'm under 18 and working there and I get paid £5.17 an hour :s-smilie: