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So recently I was having a bit of trouble with erm...certain bowel movements, and my mum bought me some herbal, natural laxative teabags from a health food shop, called Slimatee. My mum got a bit concerned by the name of them...i mean they kind of sound like a make of laxative that anorexics might use right? But the woman in the shop apparently said they were fine, and extremely mild.

However I researched them on the internet and while they have been helping me in my bowel troubles, they are actually meant for slimming more than anything else and apparently just through from drinking a teabag a day for 2 weeks you can lose quite a bit quite fast. While I AM in the process of trying to lose weight, bit concerned that these might be quite bad for you in the long run. Has anyone ever tried these or similar, and have anything to say about them?
Right, for a start any weight you lose through using a laxative is going to be water and/or bowel contents. It gives you the illusion that you are losing weight, when in fact you aren't actually losing fat. COMPLETE WASTE OF MONEY. While they may not be inherently bad they have little if any benefit.

Secondly EAT MORE FRUIT AND VEG, it is high in fibre which will naturally make you more regular, plus there's all the added vits and minerals, it will make you feel much better. Aim for at least 5 portions a day, ideally 10. If you're constipated chances are that it is diet related (ie; too much protein, very little fruit and veg, etc), a herbal laxative is a short term solution but it will not treat the cause of the problems (ie; you not eating properly).
^^ I don't think she was trying to use them for weight loss??

OP - I haven't seen the pills you mentioned before but I googled it and apparently 'senna leaf' is one of the ingredients, which suggests it has a stimulant action. I could be wrong, and it's probably weaker than in over the counter stimulant laxatives but generally I would say avoid laxatives which contain senna or bisacodyl if at all possible. do you mind me asking how bad the constipation is, and if you've tried dietary changes? if it's really affecting you and diet isn't working, you can try bulk-forming laxatives or hydrating agents...they work in a different way (don't stimulate peristalsis) which = no cramping, no dependence and less negative side effects. just ask your chemist :smile:. or, y'know, your GP!
^^ I don't think she was trying to use them for weight loss??

...but she did raise the idea and she did ask about side effects.

OP - I haven't seen the pills you mentioned before but I googled it and apparently 'senna leaf' is one of the ingredients, which suggests it has a stimulant action. I could be wrong, and it's probably weaker than in over the counter stimulant laxatives but generally I would say avoid laxatives which contain senna or bisacodyl if at all possible. do you mind me asking how bad the constipation is, and if you've tried dietary changes? if it's really affecting you and diet isn't working, you can try bulk-forming laxatives or hydrating agents...they work in a different way (don't stimulate peristalsis) which = no cramping, no dependence and less negative side effects. just ask your chemist :smile:. or, y'know, your GP!

Again laxatives simply treat the symptoms (ie; constipation) not the cause (ie; poor diet). Upping the fruit and veg intake, and also the water intake, will almost certainly produce the desired effects and make the OP much healthier and happier without having to turn to laxatives on a regular basis which is far from ideal.

Again laxatives simply treat the symptoms (ie; constipation) not the cause (ie; poor diet). Upping the fruit and veg intake, and also the water intake, will almost certainly produce the desired effects and make the OP much healthier and happier without having to turn to laxatives on a regular basis which is far from ideal.

that depends on the cause of the constipation. if you have IBS upping fibre intake is far from ideal and will often just lead to a lot of painful cramps and worsening of symptoms. granted a lot of constipation is caused by diet but not all. hence why I said IF changing her diet fails, those are the types of things she could use which aren't stimulant and therefore shockingly unhealthy.
Reply 5
Well that's the thing, over this summer I have really improved my diet. I eat tons of fruit and veg and drink a lot more water due to increasing my exercise. I try and drink hot water with lemon quite a bit because it flushes out your system. I have balanced meals eg. Oats/a decent cereal for breakfast, a salad/healthy sandwich for lunch and a dinner with enough protein and complex carbs, and all that jazz-I spend enough time on this forum to know what a healthy diet is. Probably the only bad stuff in my diet is a couple of cups of tea/coffee a day and the occasional bit of chocolate or dessert. (And now that I'm back at uni, probably some alcohol now and then, although I'm really trying to keep my drinking on a leash because last year I did drink way too much!)

But Ive just always had irregular movements, whether I'm eating badly or well. Some days I'm fine, other times I'm really not. I don't really wanna put down too much info here! Hence this slimatee business, otherwise I'm gonna see my GP I guess.
Reply 6
Anorexics don't use laxatives like that. If an anorexic person DID use a laxative it certainly wouldn't be a mild laxative tea :P
Don't worry :smile: Sounds like the best thing for your problems. Also try syrup of figs that helped me