The Student Room Group

RICS Student Member..

Just became a member today.. Is anybody else out there a member!?
Reply 1
I have no idea what RICS is :/ something to do with surveying?
Reply 2
Ye Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors..
Not being funny, but why comment if you don't know what it is!?!?
Reply 3
you're right, that wasn't funny. Perhaps I just wanted to find out, since no-one else apparently knows, either.
Reply 4
I'm a member.
Havent used it at all really..might have referenced some of their papers last year. 3 years of membership and all I get from them is emails about charity events..

@worldwide: The RICS is the professional body for surveyors ie. you get chartered through them.
Reply 5
I need to get a tutor to fill in a form so I can become a student member of the RTPI, so lazy though XD.
Reply 6
If you are a RICS member it's quite likely you can join CIOB too.

You get a load of gumph through from both and get invited to a few events. Quite good really, for free.
Reply 7
just did it
Reply 8
how did you guys become junior members?
i am also a member.

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