The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I my first AS oral I did "La Gastronomie Française", which was far too vague, and as a result I got a C. For the second time around I chose "Les Élections Présidentielles de 2007", which was a much smaller subject that I could really go into detail with. For that one, I got an A.

So my advice is to choose a subject that is large enough that you can talk about it for the required length of time, but not so large that you could just skim across the surface of the subject, and never go into any great detail.

You seem to know what you're doing with French AS orals :smile:
I have been told to do 'Carla Bruni', as my topic for my AS retake.
As someone who has got an A, do you think this topic is good and focused enough to get the higher marks?

I was on Edexcel for A level...but i'm struggling to remember what oral topics i bad is that!!! Considering it was only last year!!
For As...I did Nicolas Sarkozy - so similar to your Carla Bruni topic freshjive :biggrin: And i got an A for that.

For the A2 oral...which if i rememeber rightly and it hasn't's a debate isn't it then a discussion on two random topics? I did university fees, against them, i think i came out with a B in the oral overall at A2
Reply 4
composers, artists and historical figures are good ones
Reply 5
A2 oral topics for Edexcel are usually debates, so choose a controversial issue, and make up as many points as you can think for it. There are 3 topics- 15 minutes in total, so 5 minutes for each topic. The first topic is the one you have a debate about: I did l'avortement, then he second topic has to be a related issue (loosely) so I did la pilule contraceptive pour l'homme, and then l'euthanasie. If you want any more adivce, then PM :smile:
Reply 6
I did les OGM for my Edexcel French oral and got an A :wink:. Just an idea.
Reply 7

I've got my A2 french orals on the 8th May, but i'm afraid that my teacher is going to mess it up for me.

It is supposed to be an argument isn't it? Cos my teacher says that her role in the oral is very minimal, so surely that means that its not going to be a proper oral and then i will be the one that gets penalised??!

Also, for the spontaneity bits, she's told us what our other topics are going to be, and will probs even know the questions by the time we get to the exam. i know this really wrong, so please don't start having a go at me - its really not my fault, there's nothing i can do about it. Therefore, its all going to sound really rehearsed etc and then i will get marked down won't i??

Thanks for your help. Any suggestions about what i should do would also be appreciated!

I've got my A2 french orals on the 8th May, but i'm afraid that my teacher is going to mess it up for me.

It is supposed to be an argument isn't it? Cos my teacher says that her role in the oral is very minimal, so surely that means that its not going to be a proper oral and then i will be the one that gets penalised??!

Also, for the spontaneity bits, she's told us what our other topics are going to be, and will probs even know the questions by the time we get to the exam. i know this really wrong, so please don't start having a go at me - its really not my fault, there's nothing i can do about it. Therefore, its all going to sound really rehearsed etc and then i will get marked down won't i??

Thanks for your help. Any suggestions about what i should do would also be appreciated!

that was the same with my class last year and most of us got Us in the oral lol.
Fear not,however, as yours truly got 1 raw mark off an A in the oral,in spite of
just make the most of it.
eah,there's people who'll complain and say it isn't fair but given the opportunity i'm sure they'd prepare answers too :smile:
If you're that concerned,don't write answers down to your questions when revising.
Simply read the qs and answer.
That way no answers will ever be the same,thus solving the problem of rehersal :smile: