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Which Durham College? Cuth's vs. Chad's

Hi everyone,

I don't know which one to choose. I don't really want to share but would like to be in the bailey because that's where the history dept is. I want to apply for a choral scholarship, (i think it's in st chad's) but i don't know if that only applies to st chads or the scholarships refer to everyone in durham uni. they both seem nice but i won't apply to hatfield, that i thought i would, because it's oversubscribed and i would definitely have to share all year.

does anyone know if st mary's is any good? i know it's not in the bailey, how far out is it? a long or short walk?



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Reply 2
Hi everyone,

does anyone know if st mary's is any good? i know it's not in the bailey, how far out is it? a long or short walk?



St Mary's is an excellent college. Very spacious, and nice architecture. It is also the closest hill college to the bailey (approx. a 5 minute walk). Dining hall is lovely, landscaped gardens etc.

Well worth applying to! (although I am somewhat biased)
Reply 3
Chad's :yy:

St Mary's is an excellent college. Very spacious, and nice architecture. It is also the closest hill college to the bailey (approx. a 5 minute walk). Dining hall is lovely, landscaped gardens etc.

Well worth applying to! (although I am somewhat biased)
Atm moment I'm thinking of applying there. One question though: is it like 90% female?
John's! It's in the middle of those two. Ignore the religious stereotype, you won't notice it when you're there.

Um, I always really liked the look of Chad's, really nice and a good position. Cuth's has the best bar in the uni, but I think you might have a chance of being placed in Parson's Field which isn't on the Bailey (someone correct me if I'm wrong about that).

Mary's has a horrible, horrible bar. But that doesn't matter to a lot of people. I'd have thought it was more than 5 mins from the Bailey isn't it? Although I'm less likely to know than someone who actually is in it...

Edit: Personally, I'd prefer Chad's, for the position, and it's right next to Cuth's bar anyway...(and it has a nice one itself).

Maybe I need to think less about bars in colleges.

Also, joshm, I don't think Mary's will have any more females than males by now, they've evened it up since it let both in.
Atm moment I'm thinking of applying there. One question though: is it like 90% female?

I think Mary's has been co-ed for about three or four years now, so it should be very even. :smile:
Reply 7
John's! It's in the middle of those two. Ignore the religious stereotype, you won't notice it when you're there.
Apart from the vicars wandering around everywhere and all the CU notices... :p:

Maybe I need to think less about bars in colleges.

well with a username like the one you have I doubt anyone would expect any less :smile:

oh, a warning about John's - it's possible for a toaster to catch fire and the fire alarms not to go off.

there are a few colleges with choral scholarships I think. I know Hatfield has one too, which is open to anyone, umm... not sure about others though. Most of them will have people in charge of them, so you could try e-mailing to ask.
Also, the quality is very high, so you will have to be really good to be in with a chance.
Apart from the vicars wandering around everywhere and all the CU notices... :p:

well with a username like the one you have I doubt anyone would expect any less :smile:

oh, a warning about John's - it's possible for a toaster to catch fire and the fire alarms not to go off.

there are a few colleges with choral scholarships I think. I know Hatfield has one too, which is open to anyone, umm... not sure about others though. Most of them will have people in charge of them, so you could try e-mailing to ask.
Also, the quality is very high, so you will have to be really good to be in with a chance.

Nah, you don't see that many vicars unless you go to Cranmer :smile: You're right about the CU posters though...I just like to ignore them. I wanted to start a society for 'Christian Union - No Thanks'. I don't think they'd have seen the funny side to be honest though. Don't know why...

Where did you hear that about the toaster? Or is this from experience?? From my experience I'd say it's more the other way round, once the fire alarm went off about 4 times in one week, all from people just using things like toasters, ovens or hair dryers. And once I think it was someone using mozzie spray stuff too..

Actually, thinking about it, I've heard a rumour that if one of the colleges seriously caught on fire, the Bailey is so old etc that it'd all burn in like 15 minutes. (Not to put anyone off or
And yes, I am a borderline alcoholic :wink:
Reply 9
I think that most people who go to Cuth's and want to live on the Bailey usually get to live there. Although most of the first years do live at Parsons' Field.

There's another factor to consider, namely; Chad's is the smallest college numbers-wise, Cuth's is the biggest.
Reply 10
I wanted to start a society for 'Christian Union - No Thanks'. I don't think they'd have seen the funny side to be honest though. Don't know why...
Heh, a couple of friends of mine wanted to do summat similar I think. You don't do archaeology do you? :hmmm:

Where did you hear that about the toaster? Or is this from experience??

I was there at the time, have a friend from school who's there (who was originally at Hatfield) we'd gone to visit her and see her new room. Then there was a shout of 'fire' from down the corridor with a girl panicking about having set the toaster on fire. Good times :rolleyes:
Reply 11
I wanted to start a society for 'Christian Union - No Thanks'. I don't think they'd have seen the funny side to be honest though. Don't know why...

If u make a society like that I will join: if they cant appreciate the humour then all the more reason to create that society!

PS: my intention is not to put people off the CU if u are interested then by all means go to a few of their events and see wat its like.
If u make a society like that I will join: if they cant appreciate the humour then all the more reason to create that society!

I'd join it too as long as we can get some KNOW TRUTH stash with Darwin's head on it or something.
Reply 13
Van Mildert and Josephine Butler are the only colleges that guarantee single rooms (and J.B. is self-catered)
There are also a few other colleges that you might get a single room in - Aidan's for instance if you ask.
Reply 14
generic hybrid
I'd join it too as long as we can get some KNOW TRUTH stash with Darwin's head on it or something.

Would be pretty amusing to see their reactions...ofc that entirely depends on wat their reactions are like! IF it was compassionate and understanding and accepting then it would get old really quick; if it was up-in-arms "lets burn the heretics with hay and pitchforks in hands" then i would be killing myself with laughter!
Would be pretty amusing to see their reactions...ofc that entirely depends on wat their reactions are like! IF it was compassionate and understanding and accepting then it would get old really quick; if it was up-in-arms "lets burn the heretics with hay and pitchforks in hands" then i would be killing myself with laughter!

I remember a few months back the Palatinate printed something that was critical of DICCU and judging by some of the letters they got I expect we'd get a reaction.

I know some people in DICCU who are great, but there are definitely plenty of the "burn the heretics" sort.
One word, Trevelyan. :biggrin:
Reply 17
Atm moment I'm thinking of applying there. One question though: is it like 90% female?

According to the statistics (found here; look for "3-7 Gender by College") it's approximately 60% female, 40% male.
Reply 18
Reply 19
I demand an explanation because I absolutely refuse to look it up in my bible cause im lazy and want others to do work for me!

Also I have no idea why we DICCU bash since i know many people there who are very nice and it seems a shame that we focus on the few, negative aspects as opposed to the lovely people we know there...

Oh well, c'est la vie no?

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