During my friend's very first sexual experience, after she touched my penis and was curious about it, I playfully flung my erect penis at her knee. I did it playfully thinking she's find it funny, but I accidentally got pre-ejaculatory fluid on her knee and she was grossed out.
We hung out the next day but things were a bit off/awkward but I didn't yet realise that she didn't feel as though this contact (me touching her knee) was consensual. I regretted what happened the day before because I wasn't attracted to her at all and she seemed to be flirty and she didn't seem to pick up on how I wasn't attracted to her.
I pushed her away for a few days, taking ages to reply and replying with very short messages and four days later, she told me that she didn't feel comfortable hanging out with me anymore after I'd touched her knee.
I do think she felt violated by what happened but it wasn't intentional on my part. I apologised as soon as she suggested that she didn't want to hang out anymore and I was glad that we were going separate ways because I'd needed more space from her.
She then accused me of sexual assault (being my back). Did I sexually assault my friend even if there was no intention? I don't want to negate from how she felt but surely, if it wasn't intentional, it isn't sexual assault? I'm sorry for how she feels and I always have been but I can't turn back time.
I heard through someone else that she was afraid of being attacked by me and I initially thought she was being malicious, but I'm now no longer sure. She trusted me a lot and I was the closest she's been with a male but she generally is terrified of men and is very autistic. She may also have PTSD amongst a range of other mental health conditions.
She stayed over for 10 weeks because she was lonely and didn't like her own place.
She's also publicly claimed that there are other victims (when it's not true) and that I joked about it (but this was before she tolld me that it wasn't consensual).
She also accused me of sexual harassment for once getting off the floor and climbing into my bed in my sleep when I'd forgotten that she was staying over and sleeping in that bed that night.
Another thing she's accused me of is 'stepping over her naked' one night in order to use the lavatory: I slept half dressed/naked underneath my duvet during summer because of the heat and my room was so small that i needed to step over her to get off my bed - no other way of getting off my bed. It was also dark at night so I didn't think she'd see.
I do wonder if I might have done something else in my sleep (i.e. stand up whilst naked)... yikes!
Did I SA her (even if I didn't mean to)?
There are loads of gaps so please ask if you have any questions.