The Student Room Group

How to ask to sleep at someones house without sounding cheeky...

i dont wanna sound rude or childish etc so please save and clever comments!
things back in the house are really heavy going with parents and the family...
its my birthday on wedsday and plan to go out clubbing/pubs in the town to celebrate with the few friends i have since they have nearly all gone to uni!
my parents have told me that im not allowed to stay out late though and everytime i go out they always text/phone asking where i am, what time i will be home which is annoying as i cant relax properly when im out. but usually this is all ok if i just tell them im sleeping at a friends house and they dont mind at all!!!
so how do i ask a friend? is there anyways to drop hints?? i asked a friend that she could have a lift with me there and could get a taxi back.... but after that is there anythin else i can add to make her ask me to sleep at hers? lol i know it sounds pathetic but my parents are so annyoing and wont get off my case, theyre so overprotective!!! :mad:

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Reply 1
if shes your good friend then surely thats ok to ask?? just tell her what you told us!
if shes your good friend then surely thats ok to ask?? just tell her what you told us!

Yeah I agree, unless it's some randomer off the street I doubt they would have a problem xD
Sucks about your parents though, mine are like that, I've no idea what's gunna happen when I turn 18 =/
"hey any chance of crashing at yours after we go out? you know how the parents are"
"hey any chance of staying over after we go out next week?"
and so on and so on
Suggest that you both stay round your house FIRST, if she's a nice enough friend she will insist on YOU staying round hers instead..

EDIT: What is up with all these silly typing errors? Arghh
My friend asked me the other week if she could stop over, and said she felt really guilty about it and really didn't want to ask but she had no choice but to stay over.
I didn't mind at all, if you're good friends it wouldn't be a problem at all!
Reply 6

Sucks about your parents though, mine are like that, I've no idea what's gunna happen when I turn 18 =/

thats the thing will be my 19th birthday :mad: i mean im gonna ****** live on my own soon so why cant they just let go! aargh they make me so angry lol i respect their "house rules" but i mean it seems like they dont even trust me when i say i will be back say before 2am or whatever because they feel the constant need to text me when im out etc which is totally not cool when your with ur mates and wanna have a good time! aargh. its not like im a bad person and have been bad in the past or anything either.
sorry for the rant, jsut wanna let some steam off atm !!! x
I also agree. Just explain about your situation and ask her if you can stay over. I had to ask to stay at a friends house once as I had no way of getting home after something. I just asked her if I could stay the night and she had no problem with it at all. =]
Reply 8
''Hey i dont want to sound cheeky but is there any chance i can stay at yours?''
Reply 9
hey can i stay at yours my parents are overprotective and i wanna stay out late

thats the thing will be my 19th birthday :mad: i mean im gonna fukin live on my own soon so why cant they just let go! aargh they make me so angry lol i respect their "house rules" but i mean it seems like they dont even trust me when i say i will be back say before 2am or whatever because they feel the constant need to text me when im out etc which is totally not cool when your with ur mates and wanna have a good time! aargh. its not like im a bad person and have been bad in the past or anything either.
sorry for the rant, jsut wanna let some steam off atm !!! x

Your parents love you. We all go through this, we have to just learn to live with it. Tell your friends what they're like, they should be able to understand. That way you won't be worrying about how to ask to stay round their's for the night!

thats the thing will be my 19th birthday :mad: i mean im gonna fukin live on my own soon so why cant they just let go! aargh they make me so angry lol i respect their "house rules" but i mean it seems like they dont even trust me when i say i will be back say before 2am or whatever because they feel the constant need to text me when im out etc which is totally not cool when your with ur mates and wanna have a good time! aargh. its not like im a bad person and have been bad in the past or anything either.
sorry for the rant, jsut wanna let some steam off atm !!! x

lol just go out then xD but I guess it would be easier to just ask your friend than deal with the grief from your parents?
Lmao where did you get this logic from? The chances are her friend will just say yes after the OP's asked the first question, and then the OP would be doubley ******! :biggrin:

OP, just ask, really. I'm sure your friend won't mind, especially as it's your 19th and you don't see them much due to uni and stuff.

:laugh: Maybe it's just me then?

I would go "Tasha, do you want to stay round mine tomorrow night?" and then knowing my friends, they would be like "No, it's okay, you stay round mine?"..
I guess it is just me
Honestly, I would just ask. There've been a couple of occaisons where I've needed to stay at a friends house due to parents or whatever, and we're close enough for either of us to just ask comfortably
just ask but dont do what a mate did to me and act like a bitch whilst you are there
Reply 15
Ive texted her... now all I gotta do it wait, although she is usually unreliable at replying to things!! argh what if she doesnt text back until the day before, then i have to ask her again... that would be so awkward and embarressing....:s
Reply 16
if she doesn't text back then atleast you have tried! but i hope you have fun on your birthday no matter what :smile:
Reply 17
i used to have simular problems with my mum. Exvept now when i think about it its not really a problem, it just means she cared ans was worried. The way i dealt with it is that i ALWAYS called b4 she got the chance to, just to say "hey, im there now" and when im leaving "im coming home now" , i STILL do that and im 21, only thing is that now she doesnt actually care, i phone saying "im there now" and shes like "so what you calling me for?" lol

and about your friend, just tell her what you told us init. no problemo.
How exciting! I can't wait to see how this ends.
Franc Vouloir
How exciting! I can't wait to see how this ends.

Lol!! :wink: