The Student Room Group

Tell a girl I like her

Okay, pretty sure she already knows, cus we have the same close friends, so i'm sure they will have told her, and she always makes jokes abou us being a couple and loads of stuff so i think she probs knows and should hopefulyl be interested, but whats the best way to tell this lass i like her, and/or ask her out?

Tried to keep it brief so you need more details say.
Reply 1
Er, don't? Total turn-off. Just flirt and at some point try to pull her. If you do, you're in; if you don't at least you don't embarrass yourself/lose friend.
Reply 2
Why do you need to be so obvious? People like the chase you know
agreed, telling her you like you could just scare her off a bit xD
like, the whole commitment thing?
just play it coooool :wink: