The Student Room Group

What's my NUS number

I am trying to register online on Waterstone's website to order as a student...and it asks me for my NUS number.
I'm enrolled in uni and everything, but if I try to put the number it says on my card (even with or without the /1) it says that "could not be verified).
I've tried even the UCAS one...

What's my NUS number then? It is supposed to be the one in my student card, isn't it?
Or should I get it from the NUS (even if in my card it says I'm a member) ?
(edited 9 years ago)
Reply 1
I am trying to register online on Waterstone's website to order as a student...and it asks me for my NUS number.
I'm enrolled in uni and everything, but if I try to put the number it says on my card (even with or without the /1) it says that "could not be verified).
I've tried even the UCAS one...

What's my NUS number then? It is supposed to be the one in my student card, isn't it?
Or should I get it from the NUS (even if in my card it says I'm a member) ?

I'll appreciate any help, nude pics in return.

I have no clue, mine is the one on my actual card, but i must say LOL at DNA!!:woo:
I have a 7 digit number on the front of my NUS card (Kingston) and to make it up to the 18 digits Waterstones seems to require I just put lots of zeros on the front and hey presto they agree that I am a student and I can save money on ridiculously priced academic books and trashy fiction! Happy Days. H x
(edited 9 years ago)
I have a 7 digit number on the front of my NUS card (Kingston) and to make it up to the 18 digits Waterstones seems to require I just put lots of zeros on the front and hey presto they agree that I am a student and I can save money on ridiculously priced academic books and trashy fiction! Happy Days. H x

Kingston has a student bookstore anyway - You get your discount automatically there and you don't have to pay P+P on their website. :wink:
(edited 9 years ago)
Reply 4
I think you're trying to put your University ID Card number in. That's not an NUS card, it's a Uni ID Card with the NUS logo on it.

You need an NUS Extra card to get the 18 digits, or you could try the adding 0s trick.
Reply 5
the 0's trick worked for me thanks been trying to do this for a while now

Reply 6
Oh wow I just ordered some clothes on and tried the 0's trick and it actually worked! Couldn't believe it!!!
Spotty Dog
Kingston has a student bookstore anyway - You get your discount automatically there and you don't have to pay P+P on their website. :wink:

thanks Spotty Dog but I am on Wandsworth SCITT and live in Croydon so I don't actually make it anywhere near Kingston unless I really really have to! If you sepnd over £15 there is no p and p at Waterstones anyhow.

H x
Reply 8
Wow it worked for me too, maybe it just takes any unique 18 digit number. Cheers!
Reply 9
thanks 4 da 0 trick worked for me as well...woo hoo
Reply 10
Do they find out you used the 18 0's or have you all gotten away with it?

If I use it they wont track me down or anything ?? :tongue:p

Reply 11
my problem is that dont have a coursecode, for my course im in 6th form and dont have a course code, how do apply for my waterstones student discount?
My uni student number plus nine 0's before it worked for me too! haha! :biggrin:
Reply 13
can someone lend me there nus number so i can recieve student disccount i would appreciate it alot i promise nt to use it 4 nething else!! thanx
Haha, just bought an item of clothing and I saved 20% by putting 18 random digits into the 'NUS Student Number' box. I don't even have an NUS card. Fantastic, I love you guys.
Reply 15
ahhh thank you guys!!
i just used a bunch of random numbers and it worked!! :woo: