The Student Room Group

No friends loner.

I have hardly any friends :frown:

Im too shy, too quiet. No one really notices me.
I have depression also, so things are made even harder.
I have NO confidence at all.

Friday nights always remind me how much of a loner i am, everyone is out, having a life, whilst im stuck, i dont want to go to bed its too early, im on msn facebook, and there is no one at all.

:frown: am i that bad.

I so wish my life was completely different.

Dont know what im asking, just another sad rant :frown:

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join the club
Reply 2
another loser with no friends here.
I bet you do have friends, you just choose not to acknowledge it.

Are you at college or uni?
Reply 5
Well with respect, you are not going to find any sitting in front of your computer moaning about it. Get out there and do something about it.
Reply 6
It's a shame we are hiding behind anon, we could talk to each other and be friends.
Nevermind lol!!

It's rubbish isnt it, i hate fridays :frown::frown:
Reply 7
I'm RARELY out on the weekends- it isn't a sign of how sociable you are, don't worry! The reasons why you're not out as much is because people haven't really noticed you and got to know you better!
such as...
It's a shame we are hiding behind anon, we could talk to each other and be friends.
Nevermind lol!!

It's rubbish isnt it, i hate fridays :frown::frown:

So do I. I'm too tired to do anything because I have long shifts at work :sleep:
Reply 10
Just remember you're not the only one feeling like that.

I know it's hard when you're feeling depressed, but try to lighten up and forget your troubles. It's only life, no big deal - just try your best to go out and do things. Do you really have no-one who you can at least talk to - go out with?

Again, I know it's difficult, but try not to think about it all and let it get you down. Make an effort with things and confidence will follow.

Do you have a job? If not get one - this could be just the thing to kick-start your social life and have a bit of fun.

Good luck :smile:
Reply 11
Well with respect, you are not going to find any sitting in front of your computer moaning about it. Get out there and do something about it.

Go out and do what, im 17 in college. I really struggle to make friends and talk to people as it is, let alone make friends so i can go out with them. Its quite clear that sitting infront of the computer moaning about it is a result of 6 months of depression and constand failures when i try.

I bet you do have friends, you just choose not to acknowledge it.

Are you at college or uni?

at college, where i spend all my time in the library on my own because the few friends i do have keep making college increasingly difficult to bear with.
Give me a PM or add me on MSN if you like.
Go out and do what, im 17 in college. I really struggle to make friends and talk to people as it is, let alone make friends so i can go out with them. Its quite clear that sitting infront of the computer moaning about it is a result of 6 months of depression and constand failures when i try.

at college, where i spend all my time in the library on my own because the few friends i do have keep making college increasingly difficult to bear with.

Why? You need to tryyyy
I feel like you- I was wondering a few days ago how many people there are like this-
this is like the 7th 'ive never had a boyfriend/ive have no friends/i have no life' thread on here in the space of about 4 days

we're not alone!

we have to do something about it- I moved to a foreign country in the hope my life would just magically fix itself- its an internal problem so it doesnt work like that
I find trying to follow budhist teachings Im reading about fits in with my parents philosphy- try to just live like a normal person- if you can manage that, you will be happy
I always thought the start of uni was a happy time where people who were "loners" at secondary school can move on make new friends with people who have no pre conceived conception of you. And frankly im getting annoyed with all these threads which are practically the same.

yeah- same as crimson black- you can pm/msn me as well if you like- Im currently living all on my own in germany and although I have friends back home, Im really lonely here- I wouldnt mind talking to you if you need someone
I always thought the start of uni was a happy time where people who were "loners" at secondary school can move on make new friends with people who have no pre conceived conception of you. And frankly im getting annoyed with all these threads which are practically the same.


hey- give these people a break- it really is just that hard for them- count yourself lucky if you dont have that problem
not everyone does make friends automatically in new situations- even at university
Reply 18
Why? You need to tryyyy

They keep bitching about eachother, one of them is so immature i can't stand it, last week he stood behind me at the top of the stairs saying "what would happen if i pushed you down the stairs and took all your money"...i turned around and said "i'd ******* fall down the stairs and end up skint, stupid prick" another friend keeps moaning about her ex boyfriend who is also my mate who annoys me because he annoys her, she keeps talking to him though even though he is being horrible to her, and she has even found a new boyfriend, god!! get over it.

Im sorry, im the worst for rambling, but yea, thats a normal day with my "friends"
cheer up!!! or play WOW :biggrin:

you tried takin up a hobby where you have to talk to people? play pool! instant fwends there!

chess as well if your into that sort of thing

poker or a sport.

just not the internet. the internet will suck out your soul!!!