The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
I don't see why it's relevant to making friends with someone, even if they are a lesbian.
Reply 2
*Smacks Head*
Id make friends with anyone if they wanted to :biggrin:...

I once had a girlfriend with short hair... she was great
Reply 4
eugh, what a dirty lesbian...

Reply 5
I'd pass her off as a lesbian and not bother to talk to her.
I think both of my best friends have at some point had short hair. My Granny also has short hair. I don't see what the issue is here...



Pre-pubescent boys can't be lesbians.
Reply 9
It's funny when people think you can't possibly be a lesbian because you have long hair and wear dresses!

All the girls I know with short hair are really fun and interesting but maybe that's just me having great taste in people :smile:
Reply 10
Is this a serious question? :indiff:

I wouldn't pass her off as a lesbian and not bother with her.
I don't understand this question.

OP, are you male or female?
'make friends'..?
Reply 12
ofcourse. not all girls with short stylish hair are lessers.

there is this one girl i talk to at school, when I walked in a room and saw she had cut all her hair just around the hair it was shocking..and butch did come to mind..but thats cos it wasn't ''long'' and it was just hair on the head as opposed to coming off a bit:o:
Reply 13
I never write girls with short hair off as lesbians, I mean seriously, what the hell?

Also, some girls actually look pretty cute with short hair, in my opinion.
Two twigs, one with pneumatic breasts attached

Both foul in my opinion.

Not that I've anything against short hair :smile:
I would be friends with them. I just wouldn't find them attractive.
Reply 16
what sort of question is that?????

At the hair dresser I go to, there's this female hairdresser my brother uses and she has short hair, and I think it really suits her.

The first thing that would come to my mind wouldn't be is she a lesbian :/ but whether it suits her to have her hair short.
I had lovely long hair until my evil hairdresser cut it all off this morning!!! :angry:
Ermm... what?

#1 I know lots of straight women with short hair (like my mum!)
#2 I know lots of gay women with long hair - in fact, most of them have long hair; I was at pride on weds and I can only think of 3 girls there with short hair - and one of them was straight!
#3 Why wouldn't someone be friends with a lesbian?
#4 If this is from a straight male point of view... why are women only worthy hanging out with if there's a chance they'll sleep with you???