PLEASE keep anon, people from school use this forum and I don;'t want them knowing all of this is going on.
Hate is a strong word, but its the only word I can use to describe my feelings towards my close family. They never trust me, and they have no faith in me. I'm in year 13, and compared to the rest of my family did really well at AS Levels, and I'm planning to go to university next year.
My family didn't go to good universtiies, but they want me to apply to where they went, because its local and I DONT HAVE TO MOVE OUT.
This pisses me off, they're telling me that "you cant apply to XXXX uni, we wont let you, you are not mature. stop talking about moving to XXXX uni, just shut up we're not letting you go."
I want to go, but I'd then pretty much be cutting off all ties with my family (not a bad thing) but they wouldn't support me financially. Which is a bummer.
What do I do?
It's just got worse, today I just broke down in tears because they have no faith in me. They don't listen to me or my opinions. My mother keeps telling me her life was so much better without me, my sisters just laugh at me and back my parents, and I can't actually cope.
I need to move out, but I'm not allowed. What do I do?
I just want to die to be honest, my family constantly put me down, it's constant and I just don't knw what to do.
I can't sleep at night because their horrific insults are just going through my head and I just urgh dunno.