orbitals contain two electrons, one or more orbitals make up subshells, one or more subshells make up a shell
At GCSE you were told that electronic configurations go in the order 2, 8, 8 etc.
This isn't really the case (it's actually a simplification), each shell can be subdivided into further levels called subshells - the subshells are denoted s, p, d, and f (stand for sharp, principal, diffuse and fundamental)
For example if we take the second shell (which has 8 electrons) it has two subshells (two sets of electrons with differing energy, although similar) 2s and 2p the s subshell hols two electrons and the p subshell holds 6 electrons
An orbital is a further subdivision of a subshell - s has 1 orbital and p has 3 orbitals - each orbital can only hold two electrons (one with spin up and one with spin down)