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Epq on women in men’s sport

I want to do my EPQ on women in men’s sport but it doesn’t relate to the Uni course I’m applying for which is physics should I still do it on my original title
Reply 1
if you're interested in then go for it cos it can show real well-roundedness, and don't forget that a few universities don't really consider the epq and it's instead something to talk about in an interview. i think as long as your predicted grades are good, it doesn't really matter what you do your epq on: it's just evidence that you can handle projects by yourself.
Original post by D2004
I want to do my EPQ on women in men’s sport but it doesn’t relate to the Uni course I’m applying for which is physics should I still do it on my original title

An EPQ doesn’t have to relate to anything, it’s actually more beneficial if not because it shows you have other areas of interest.

Women in men’s sport though? Really?
Reply 3
Original post by jackmarshal757
An EPQ doesn’t have to relate to anything, it’s actually more beneficial if not because it shows you have other areas of interest.

Women in men’s sport though? Really?

Yeah I’ve always found it interesting hearing ex pros and fans talk about the position of women in men’s football. Men’s football is very misogynistic so there’s not many involvement of women we literally have one female officiator in the game.
Original post by D2004
Yeah I’ve always found it interesting hearing ex pros and fans talk about the position of women in men’s football. Men’s football is very misogynistic so there’s not many involvement of women we literally have one female officiator in the game.

Oh I see, I thought you meant things like women playing in men’s teams
Original post by D2004
I want to do my EPQ on women in men’s sport but it doesn’t relate to the Uni course I’m applying for which is physics should I still do it on my original title
Hiya, I am looking to do the EPQ in this area and talking about womens ACLs and was wondering if you could share some tips with me
Original post by millnolann
Hiya, I am looking to do the EPQ in this area and talking about womens ACLs and was wondering if you could share some tips with me

hi, did you end up doing your epq on this? I would love to do it on women's acl's as i am very interested, and i was wondering if you had any tips for me?
Sounds like an interesting topic as sadly there are very few women who work with the mens game even though lots of men work on the womens game

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