The Student Room Group

How to meet boys

OK, I'm nearly 17. You know the story - never had a boyfriend, never been kissed. I feel really left behind for a girl my age and although I wouldn't consider myself drop dead gorgeous I have been called pretty. Admittedly I still have a low self-esteeem but that doesn't mean I find myself hideous. I'm a nice polite person, average sized (not notably thin/fat) and people often find me to have a good sense of humour.

Anyway to the point. Where do you meet guys? Where did you meet your boyfriends? EVERYONE around me is hooked up!

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I meet guys in my classes all the time. I met my boyfriend on the campus file-sharing network (shh!). There really isn't any hurry ... and guys can always tell when you're trying too hard. I have a friend who's been single for two or three years now, and she flirts with every single guy she meets and she's still single because it's obvious that she's really trying. Just let things happen - never did I ever imagine that I would date my boyfriend when I met him because I wasn't really looking.
Reply 2
"at da Yyyyy M C A!.....You can hang out with aaaall theeee boOOooooys ..."

im sorry i had to do that, just got the urge to break out into that song lol

seriously though, dont worry about this, i was your age when i first had a boyfriend and first kissed a boy (not including that time when i was 8yrs old on holiday). You'll meet plenty of guys like strawberry said when your not looking thats when it will happen. listen though, NEVER go searching for a man coz you are VERY likely to not only find the wrong one but find one that saw you was desperate and takes advantage of that fact, you will get hurt that way.
Reply 3
School events?
Through friends?
Or even better dont worry and let time bring guys to you.
make guys come to you instead

Don't worry about it. I know exactly how you feel! I'm 17 and I've never had a boyfriend either, although admittedly I'm pretty happy being single at the moment after watching my friends get their hearts broken a million times!
All my friends have boyfriends too but I know that it'll happen to me eventually && it'll probably happen when I'm least expecting it which is great :biggrin:
The best place to meet guys is probably at Football Matches or the Park, anywhere you'd usually find a group of guys messing around...just innocently go and have a little watch while they're playing.
Me && my friends do it all the time :p:
Good luck && I hope you find happiness soon :biggrin:
...anywhere you'd usually find a group of guys messing around...just innocently go and have a little watch while they're playing.
Me && my friends do it all the time :p:

:biggrin: you'll be missing out on mathematical geeks like me then :rofl:.
Reply 7
it's easy girl. men think with their dicks. if you strip naked and scream ''i want dick'' then you'll have the pick of at least 15 blokes. could even do it daily to test a wider sample.

no excuse for not having a bit of dick when yolu're a girl. cos men are always after new turf
Reply 8
met my girl through school. but to be honest i chased after he for a couple of weeks before asking her out, not her chasing me.
talk to us, make an effort and if you're interested then try and give off a few clues.

All I can say really
I wouldn't worry, I'm in the same position as you and I'm just going to wait until uni next year and hope to meet someone there (:
Op, I'm available :getmecoat:
If you're ugly, no chance.
Reply 13
People always used to say to me that love would come along when your not looking for one, and i never believed them. It was so true for me though!
If you're ugly, no chance.

its not about appearance love its actually about confidence and how you feel about yourself :rolleyes:
its not about appearance love its actually about confidence and how you feel about yourself :rolleyes:

yes it is, if you are as ugly as hell nothing can compinsate for that.
its not about appearance love its actually about confidence and how you feel about yourself :rolleyes:

There's some levels of ugly that even confidence can't fix.
Reply 17
get your tits out.
Hey sweet, theres nothing wrong with you, its all down to pesky boys! Hehehe, seripusly though I'm having the same trouble at the moment - its just a wee dry patch, soon the monsoon will come back around!
Reply 19
Send me a picture. I might reply.! :biggrin:

or, in all seriousness. fairly certain you will meet someone very soon if you just keep enjoying yourself, going out and stuff, just socaialising with your friends.