OK I am absolutely raging at my employer right now.
Like many of you, I am a student in Year 13. Most of you probably have part time jobs too. Well I work in a large supermarket, and I have worked there for about 30 weeks.
Basically the place is a sh*thole. We are always made to stay late, managers don't communicate which always leads to complications, and you just get the impression they dont care about their employees.
Now make no mistake, I work BLOODY hard when I am there. I always get on with my job, unlike most others who just mess around and take double the time to do things, which means we are all made to stay late until the job is doe.
My current problem was today, I had to call in sick. I had to finish college early, I have felt bad for a few days and today I had such a bad headache and a sick feelin in my stomach, I barely slept last night because of it. So I rang up and at first they said take some pills and ring back in an hour. So I rang back in an hour and you know when you get the impression they think you are bullshitting, well I got it but I didnt care because I made it clear that I was not going in.
Now I suspect on my next shift (Saturday) something will happen. I know they cannot fire me outright, but I suspect I will get a warning or something. On the 6th november I received a ''recorded conversation'' which basically constitutes a written warning, their official figures stated my absence rate was 9.25%. That meant out of 54 shifts I had 5 off.
Now, two of those shifts I took off after my nan was terminally ill in a hospice, I rang them and explained the situation and they told me I didnt have to come in. I never asked for the time off I just explained what was happenning because my whole family was there, and they said they understood etc etc. Well that week sadly my nan did die. I had to take another shift off for her funeral, which contributed another day to my absence rate. The fourth day was a genuine sick day right at the start of my employment. THe fifth day was because I asked to do overtime but then had to cancel.
Anyway, I am not sure what my absence rate is now, since I havent been off at all since I got that warning, Nov 6th.
I guess what I need to know is, what can they do? What are my rights?
I also booked some time off so I can revise for my FIVE exams this january, my first day is next week and although I handed the forms in over two months ago it never went through the official channel. My manager kept telling me it was all authorised and was OK, but I have a feeling I will get a phone call next tuesday saying ''where are you you are supposed to be here'' and that will be another reason to give me a warning.
Sorry this was such a massive rant.......I feel a little better now though...... :bootyshak