The Student Room Group

Imperial Computing No Interview - Rejection

I have sat the admissions test, a couple of months ago for Computing at Imperial, but have not heard anything back since - and have not been invited for interview. Is this likely a rejection?
No, no news is good news
How do you feel you did on the logic/reasoning test? Just be positive!
Original post by ThiagoBrigido
How do you feel you did on the logic/reasoning test? Just be positive!

I felt it went quite well, maybe rushed the last couple questions though!
Reply 4
Original post by drewforeman2003
I have sat the admissions test, a couple of months ago for Computing at Imperial, but have not heard anything back since - and have not been invited for interview. Is this likely a rejection?
I think so. Same case as me. 😢
Original post by Jasmine C
I think so. Same case as me. 😢
This post was from three years ago lol....I don't think you'll get a reply.

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