The Student Room Group

Everyone just seems to want to have sex!

Newly single (well ish), I'm kinda seeing someone but more or less free to do as I please. Was out last night, this cute guy asked for my number, and like 4 text messages in this morning, he made some lewd comment about how he'd rather be in bed with me doing whatever I wanted him to, rather than at college! My response was, "why are you lot so sex obsessed?!". I haven't even kissed the guy!

The person I'm "seeing" is just as bad - it all seems to be "I wanna have sex with you". For God's sakes, why can't people just take things slowly anymore?! :eek:

I give up.

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Reply 1
Things could be worse, like no one wanting to have sex with you.

You can't win with these sorts of things. You either have it or you don't.
Reply 2
Only a woman could possibly complain about something like this.
Reply 3
I can't believe, even on TSR, that somebody is complaining about having too much sex available.
Reply 4
Only a woman could possibly complain about something like this.

Yes, whatever happened to, would you like to go out for dinner, or to the cinema, etc.?! Instead of just, I wanna get you into bed at the first opportunity! Boooys :frown:
Reply 5
Yes, whatever happened to, would you like to go out for dinner, or to the cinema, etc.?! Instead of just, I wanna get you into bed at the first opportunity! Boooys :frown:

maybe you just attract the wrong type of boys? :p:
some of us are nice people :eek:
Reply 6
maybe you just attract the wrong type of boys? :p:
some of us are nice people :eek:

I'm sure some of you are :smile:

Although judging from some the boys taking the mick on here, they would be just the same! Haha! Seriously though, they say I shouldn't complain, but if I slept with all these people, then I'd just be a slut. Girls can't win either way.
I understand why you say girls can't win either way. But I think you've just got to find the right boy. And when you find one who wants to take you out and doesn't want to jump into bed with you straight away then you know you've got a keeper :smile:
Dont go out with BOYS then, find real guys.
Reply 9
I'm sure some of you are :smile:

Although judging from some the boys taking the mick on here, they would be just the same! Haha! Seriously though, they say I shouldn't complain, but if I slept with all these people, then I'd just be a slut. Girls can't win either way.

haha, oh well.
I can imagine, life's tough being a girl :p:
As for your original query I would recommend playing a little hard to get, and in general trying to be more classy and at least pretend to be quite selective (not saying that your not :p: ).
If guys realise that a girl is really easy to get, and they can get her number, etc etc, then were going to assume that it's just as easy to have a shag with the girl.
Reply 10
Newly single (well ish), I'm kinda seeing someone but more or less free to do as I please. Was out last night, this cute guy asked for my number, and like 4 text messages in this morning, he made some lewd comment about how he'd rather be in bed with me doing whatever I wanted him to, rather than at college! My response was, "why are you lot so sex obsessed?!". I haven't even kissed the guy!

The person I'm "seeing" is just as bad - it all seems to be "I wanna have sex with you". For God's sakes, why can't people just take things slowly anymore?! :eek:

I give up.

Sounds like your mixing with chavs lol

Not everyones after sex, only underage chavs, overage chavs, nice chavs, mean chavs, emo chavs, chav chavs...... yeah anyways, just make it clear you don't want sex(even if you do deep down) and see if they still stick with you, if they do and a few months down the line they're happy then you know things are good
Yes, whatever happened to, would you like to go out for dinner, or to the cinema, etc.?! Instead of just, I wanna get you into bed at the first opportunity! Boooys :frown:

It's just kind've how it works once you get to uni. (If you want it to of course) But I just mean the norm is to go home with someone, then later get to know them better/see if you want to be more.
Reply 12
It's just kind've how it works once you get to uni. (If you want it to of course) But I just mean the norm is to go home with someone, then later get to know them better/see if you want to be more.

not sure which uni your at mate.
But I dont think that's how it works "at uni".
Not everyone has sex to determine whether they like someone or not
Reply 13
Newly single (well ish), I'm kinda seeing someone but more or less free to do as I please. Was out last night, this cute guy asked for my number, and like 4 text messages in this morning, he made some lewd comment about how he'd rather be in bed with me doing whatever I wanted him to, rather than at college! My response was, "why are you lot so sex obsessed?!". I haven't even kissed the guy!

The person I'm "seeing" is just as bad - it all seems to be "I wanna have sex with you". For God's sakes, why can't people just take things slowly anymore?! :eek:

I give up.

I can't understand why you don't want sex. Although I admit, they are hardly good players of the game. Probably be best not to see them again.
Reply 14
haha, oh well.
I can imagine, life's tough being a girl :p:
As for your original query I would recommend playing a little hard to get, and in general trying to be more classy and at least pretend to be quite selective (not saying that your not :p: ).
If guys realise that a girl is really easy to get, and they can get her number, etc etc, then were going to assume that it's just as easy to have a shag with the girl.

You have to swap numbers...else you'll never get the chance to talk to them again though?!

I'm not at uni yet, I'm on a gap year. Wherever I was, it wouldn't be acceptable just to go home with someone and then get to know them. I notice this seems to happen more as people get older; people used to kiss and get to know one another, and when they're older they have sex and get to know each other :rolleyes:
Reply 15
Sounds like your mixing with chavs lol

Not everyones after sex, only underage chavs, overage chavs, nice chavs, mean chavs, emo chavs, chav chavs...... yeah anyways, just make it clear you don't want sex(even if you do deep down) and see if they still stick with you, if they do and a few months down the line they're happy then you know things are good

Actually yeah, I never had this problem before because if I wasn't in a relationship, then I'd only be chatting to guys from school who were neither chavs, nor potential people to sleep with as I'd known them so long etc. But since I have been going out, I guess there are more chavs in's not the way forward at all! :no:
Well its a nice thing to do, can't blame them.
Newly SEX single SEX (well ish) SEX, I'm SEX kinda SUPER KINKY DIRTY SEX seeing SEX someone BLOWJOB but HANDJOB more SEX or less free SEX to do SEX as I SEX please. Was SEX out last BESTIALITY night, this SEX cute guy ANAL SEX asked for SEX my number SEX, and like WONDERFULLY FULL SEXY BREASTS 4 text SEX messages in SEX this morning BEST SEX EVER, he SEX made some SEX lewd comment SEX about BLOWJOBS (I swallow) how he'd rather AMAZING ALL-NIGHT SEX be in SEX bed with SEX me doing ANAL SEX whatever I wanted SEX him to, rather SEX than at SEX college! My response SEX was, "why are you lot so SEX obsessed?!". I SEX haven't even kissed SEX the guy!

Us guys, sex-obsessed?

It's not as if we see and imagine sex every where we go or anything, for goodness' sake :wink:.

Seriously though, isn't sex kind of a crap name for the whole thing?
Reply 18
Us guys, sex-obsessed?

It's not as if we see and imagine sex every where we go or anything, for goodness' sake :wink:.

Seriously though, isn't sex kind of a crap name for the whole thing?

I actually went back and checked my post right about then :o: :rolleyes:
Newly single (well ish), I'm kinda seeing someone but more or less free to do as I please. Was out last night, this cute guy asked for my number, and like 4 text messages in this morning, he made some lewd comment about how he'd rather be in bed with me doing whatever I wanted him to, rather than at college! My response was, "why are you lot so sex obsessed?!". I haven't even kissed the guy!

The person I'm "seeing" is just as bad - it all seems to be "I wanna have sex with you". For God's sakes, why can't people just take things slowly anymore?! :eek:

I give up.

Lol. If you've just met someone, and by the morning he's texting you loads saying he wants to do you, then he's obviously a bit of a jerk. Either that or someone who's never done it before and has balls humming like a power grid.