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Maths for economics at Nottingham university

Hi, I currently have an offer for economics at Nottingham, I’m deciding between economics at Nottingham or international business at Bristol.

I was wondering how difficult the maths is for the economics degree. I didn’t do alevel maths, I have done a core maths qualification which I achieved an A. I also did alevel economics and I loved it. However I’m very concerned about what the level of maths will be at Nottingham. Does anyone have any experiences of the maths in this degree?

Thankyou :smile:
Original post by Anonymous
Hi, I currently have an offer for economics at Nottingham, I’m deciding between economics at Nottingham or international business at Bristol.

I was wondering how difficult the maths is for the economics degree. I didn’t do alevel maths, I have done a core maths qualification which I achieved an A. I also did alevel economics and I loved it. However I’m very concerned about what the level of maths will be at Nottingham. Does anyone have any experiences of the maths in this degree?

Thankyou :smile:

When did you get your offer? I’ve applied without alevel maths but have been put on hold and haven’t heard anything back yet
Reply 2
I got an unconditional offer and I got A*,A*,A in my alevels and an A in core maths and they gave me my offer in December about a week after I applied :smile:

All the unis I applied to were very quick which I think is probably because I already have my grades
Original post by Anonymous
I got an unconditional offer and I got A*,A*,A in my alevels and an A in core maths and they gave me my offer in December about a week after I applied :smile:

All the unis I applied to were very quick which I think is probably because I already have my grades

Original post by Anonymous
When did you get your offer? I’ve applied without alevel maths but have been put on hold and haven’t heard anything back yet

I replied to this underneath I’m just too lazy to type it again lol
Original post by Watermelon_emily
I replied to this underneath I’m just too lazy to type it again lol

That’s fine I’ve seen it thanks for the response. I’ve been waiting a few months but with no response predicted 3a* in accounting econ and geography and with a 9 in gcse maths so still hoping for an offer
Reply 5
Original post by Anonymous
Hi, I currently have an offer for economics at Nottingham, I’m deciding between economics at Nottingham or international business at Bristol.

I was wondering how difficult the maths is for the economics degree. I didn’t do alevel maths, I have done a core maths qualification which I achieved an A. I also did alevel economics and I loved it. However I’m very concerned about what the level of maths will be at Nottingham. Does anyone have any experiences of the maths in this degree?

Thankyou :smile:

Hii! So did u choose Nottingham economics? Hows the maths like? Is it a lot of maths?
hello, hopefully although this thread is 2 years old, ive found myself in a similar situation. I achieved a grade B in AS core maths but didnt get the required GCSE grade for maths but still got a 5. I dont know if this is enough but would they consider my application if, one, my predicted grades were either what they were asking for or close and, 2, if my actual grades were higher than predicted as my situation isnt really a fair representation of my predicted grades. any help would be greatly appreciated :smile:

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