The Student Room Group

MSc Ospap or Pgdip ospap

Hi guys
Need some advice on the matter posted below
I have done my + MSc pharmacology (2020 graduate) from UK university. I wanted to apply for Pgdip ospap instead of another MSc. But read on the website it wouldn't qualify for tier 2 /skilled worker visa needed for the pre registration year being an international student. My question is will my previous MSc in Pharmacology be enough to gain point for work visa if I do pg dip ospap now?? Or I'll have to do a MSc.

Thank you in advance
Reply 1
Hi I have the same questions. I have an MSc in Clinical Pharmacy from UK, and I came across the same information where PgDip may not eligible for Tier 2 visa. Wonder anyone can clarify this, in term of choosing a PGDip or MSc, and how it affect visa application?

Thanks a lot.
Reply 2
any answer?
Reply 3
Hi, i have a similar problem. I have done my masters from uk but want to apply for ospap in the coming uptake. I want to apply for student visa again and I am worried whether the rule of academic progression apply to me? My current student visa will end in June 2024 and I'll go back home after that. After which I will apply for student visa again for September intake. Did you guys face any such issue?

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