Applied to Keele Uni Counselling + Psychotherapy MSc. I have looked all over the internet and can find no forums on this program. Has anyone been accepted? Care to share your experience and opinions? Also, what should one expect as far as the interview?
Applied to Keele Uni Counselling + Psychotherapy MSc. I have looked all over the internet and can find no forums on this program. Has anyone been accepted? Care to share your experience and opinions? Also, what should one expect as far as the interview?
It's great to hear that you're considering coming to Keele to study for your MSc. I don't have any particular experience of that course - I'm an English student myself (I did my MA at Keele and am now in the second year of my PhD) but I would be happy to share my experiences of studying at Keele as a postgraduate student.
For me one of the biggest positives about studying at Keele is the postgraduate community that we have there. Keele is one of only a handful of universities in the country to have a dedicated postgraduate student's union - the KPA (Keele Postgraduate Association) - who work with the university and the SU to represent postgraduate students and to put on events and activities to support the postgraduate community. Having the KPA has made a real difference to my time at Keele. Going to their events (lockdown hasn't stopped them - they've put on some fantastic online events) has really helped me to feel part of the community at Keele and has allowed me to meet some great friends. The KPA also help with specific financial support - I've used their bursary fund to help pay for a conference trip - and run events that support your academic studies, such as writing retreats. You can find out more about them at
I can honestly say I love studying at Keele - it's why I stayed on to do my PhD there. The place itself if very beautiful - campus is just a lovely place to be and there's a really good range of facilities all within walking distance of the main buildings. The library is excellent - lots of group and individual study spaces, plus they offer laptop loans, computer labs, printing and copying service and IT support - and during lockdown they've been really great at supporting students through providing access to online resources, as well as via click and collect. We've also got some nice informal study spaces dotted across campus, so it's easy to find somewhere to study to suit your mood!
I've also always felt supported academically. I can only speak from my own experience but my lecturers and supervisors are fantastic. Even when times have been tough (and 2020 was a really tough year for everyone I think), they've been there to offer assistance and support, and have done their best to adapt to lockdown and remote teaching and to continue to offer interesting and informative content for students.
If you have any other questions about the postgraduate experience more generally, I'd be happy to help! You might also be interested in chatting with Mohra - she's on our MSci Physiotherapy programme so has more experience of our medical science programmes. Her profile is You could also sign up to attend one of our online postgraduate open afternoons - they offer opportunities to chat with current students, as well as with members of the academic staff. Plus there are presentations, virtual tours and information from other teams in the university such as the accommodation office and the KPA. Our next one will be on 26 February so do consider joining us:
Hi, I’m looking for some advice on interview process too as I’ve got an interview into the programme. If you were able to get any information regarding the interview could you please share it
Applied to Keele Uni Counselling + Psychotherapy MSc. I have looked all over the internet and can find no forums on this program. Has anyone been accepted? Care to share your experience and opinions? Also, what should one expect as far as the interview?
Hello!! I have also applied for that MSc - when is your interview? I'm really struggling to find any guidance on it as well. Do you have any social media? Would love to chat about it, and see if we could get any help from each other!
Hello!! I have also applied for that MSc - when is your interview? I'm really struggling to find any guidance on it as well. Do you have any social media? Would love to chat about it, and see if we could get any help from each other!
Hello! I’ve got my interview one the 1st when is yours? And yess no problem. Just let me know your LinkedIn name and I’ll add you
Hi there! I have my interview for the MSc Counselling and Psychotherapy programme on the 7th. I'm very unsure of what to expect. How did yours go, Aasilah and Shana?
Hi there! I have my interview for the MSc Counselling and Psychotherapy programme on the 7th. I'm very unsure of what to expect. How did yours go, Aasilah and Shana?
Hello! It wasn’t too bad to be honest, you have nothing to worry! It was with a group of 10 and you just talk about yourself and your experiences and then they give you a group activity (ours was what our fears, expectation and hopes are of the course) and then a pairs exercise where you talk about an object that matters to you. It honestly wasn’t too bad. Just be yourself and I’m sure you’ll do amazingly! Hope it goes well! Good luck! 😇
Hello! It wasn’t too bad to be honest, you have nothing to worry! It was with a group of 10 and you just talk about yourself and your experiences and then they give you a group activity (ours was what our fears, expectation and hopes are of the course) and then a pairs exercise where you talk about an object that matters to you. It honestly wasn’t too bad. Just be yourself and I’m sure you’ll do amazingly! Hope it goes well! Good luck! 😇
Hi Aasilah,
Thank you SO much for your response! Your message has really helped to calm my nerves. I'm so grateful that you took the time to respond to this thread. I'm happy to hear your interview went well also!
Hi Aasilah, I have my interview coming up too! This is really helpful. Did you decide when to speak up/answer a question or did they do a "go around the room" type of approach?
Hello I’m glad it has been helpful! And during my interview it wasn’t a round the room approach. When people wanted to they would speak. For instance the “tell me about yourself” bit one person started off and I went second. There was a bit of an overlaps when someone else spoke the same time I did but naturally like a conversation you either talk or let the other person talk. (Hope that makes sense). In terms of the questions bit with the group we did use the “hands up” thing on Microsoft teams. But again it’s more like a conversation so naturally you guys would all take turns speaking. Just a piece of advice, don’t be too quiet but also making sure you don’t over talk. Try and find a balance Because usually the tasks they give are timed. So it’s important everyone gets a turn to talk.
Hope this helps!
And good luck with your interview! I’m sure you’ll do well
Have you all heard from Keele yet, about the outcome of your interview? I'm really excited to say I was accepted, so will be starting their course in September, on a part-time basis!
Hi Shananicole,Congratulations on your acceptance! I have also received an offer! I live in Canada so am starting to look at taking the steps to move over there.
Hi Shananicole,Congratulations on your acceptance! I have also received an offer! I live in Canada so am starting to look at taking the steps to move over there.
How amazing! Well done, and good luck for the life change. Will you be studying full time or part time?
Hey guys. I will also be starting this September 2021 full-time, super thrilled!
But, does anyone have any idea of weather the course will be online or in person? I spoke to some students who are already on the course and they mentioned that for them its all been online, including their placements and personal therapy. If anyone has any extra information about this, or what they think may happen please help me out. I am based in London, and if things are suspected to be online, I can save some extra coin lol.
Hey guys. I will also be starting this September 2021 full-time, super thrilled!
But, does anyone have any idea of weather the course will be online or in person? I spoke to some students who are already on the course and they mentioned that for them its all been online, including their placements and personal therapy. If anyone has any extra information about this, or what they think may happen please help me out. I am based in London, and if things are suspected to be online, I can save some extra coin lol.
Current UK government regulations are that, as of 17 May 2021, in-person teaching and learning can resume for all remaining students at UK universities. In practice, many universities have either finished teaching for this semester, are into 'exam season' (so no formal classes are being held), or are finishing this academic year with a 'blended' approach (some online/some in-person classes) to avoid students having to travel back to campuses for just a couple of weeks.
At present, we're really hoping that the 2021/22 academic year will see a return of students to campus, albeit possibly with some social distancing requirements still in place. However this very much depends on what happens between now and the beginning of the next academic year in September. Ultimately the university has to be led by advise from the UK government and Universities UK about whether to permit teaching on campus, in a blended manner, or wholly online.
So the simple answer is that we just don't know for certain yet so you should prepare for either eventuality. Keele are publishing all their coronovirus information online at, including specific advice for 2021/22 applicants at The admissions team and/or your academic school will keep you up to date but you can also check there for the latest information.
Hey guys. I will also be starting this September 2021 full-time, super thrilled!
But, does anyone have any idea of weather the course will be online or in person? I spoke to some students who are already on the course and they mentioned that for them its all been online, including their placements and personal therapy. If anyone has any extra information about this, or what they think may happen please help me out. I am based in London, and if things are suspected to be online, I can save some extra coin lol.
Thank you for reading!
I asked about this at the interview itself because it's something I need to consider too, and I believe the plan is to continue with distanced 'at home' learning, with maybe on in-person session a month. I'm not sure how this will change with the regulation updates, or compared to part-time/full-time studying, but it's definitely something we're going to have to consider!
I think the idea is that placements will also continue to be online, unless there's reasoning behind this being inaccessible. At my interview we also spoke about this, and the staff were really positive about the experiences of digital placements and how it gives experience we'd otherwise have to search for, so there are some benefits!
I do hope we gain some more direct and final information soon, only to help with practical plans moving forward, potential job and flat searching, etc!!
Current UK government regulations are that, as of 17 May 2021, in-person teaching and learning can resume for all remaining students at UK universities. In practice, many universities have either finished teaching for this semester, are into 'exam season' (so no formal classes are being held), or are finishing this academic year with a 'blended' approach (some online/some in-person classes) to avoid students having to travel back to campuses for just a couple of weeks.
At present, we're really hoping that the 2021/22 academic year will see a return of students to campus, albeit possibly with some social distancing requirements still in place. However this very much depends on what happens between now and the beginning of the next academic year in September. Ultimately the university has to be led by advise from the UK government and Universities UK about whether to permit teaching on campus, in a blended manner, or wholly online.
So the simple answer is that we just don't know for certain yet so you should prepare for either eventuality. Keele are publishing all their coronovirus information online at, including specific advice for 2021/22 applicants at The admissions team and/or your academic school will keep you up to date but you can also check there for the latest information.
Hope that helps!
Amy Louise
Hi Amy,
Thank you very much for getting in touch and informing me. I will keep an eye out on the university website.
I asked about this at the interview itself because it's something I need to consider too, and I believe the plan is to continue with distanced 'at home' learning, with maybe on in-person session a month. I'm not sure how this will change with the regulation updates, or compared to part-time/full-time studying, but it's definitely something we're going to have to consider!
I think the idea is that placements will also continue to be online, unless there's reasoning behind this being inaccessible. At my interview we also spoke about this, and the staff were really positive about the experiences of digital placements and how it gives experience we'd otherwise have to search for, so there are some benefits!
I do hope we gain some more direct and final information soon, only to help with practical plans moving forward, potential job and flat searching, etc!!
Hi Shanan,
Ahh I see!! I didn't have this information. But, I guess we're both in the same boat, just alot of uncertainty. I have booked a studio anyway (just to be on the safe side). Have you looked at any places or placements options?
Yes, I am also hoping to hear back from the uni soon, hopefully they update us soon. 😊😊
Ahh I see!! I didn't have this information. But, I guess we're both in the same boat, just alot of uncertainty. I have booked a studio anyway (just to be on the safe side). Have you looked at any places or placements options?
Yes, I am also hoping to hear back from the uni soon, hopefully they update us soon. 😊😊
Hi, have you already booked a studio as I have one available and could give you a cheaper price overall from what you may be paying for this one you’ve booked. It’s not far from Keele university I am in need of a tenancy replacement so let me know Thankyou! It would save your money as well X