The Student Room Group

The Official 03/04 UCAS Application Progress Tracker Thread

As a follow up to the "Where have you applied to?" thread, this one will keep up with how your applications are progressing.

Please feel free to keep us informed with any offers you recieve - which should be in the following format:


Course Applied For

Offer (Number of Points or Grade Specifics)

What chances do you feel you have of achieving the terms of this offer ?

Also we would like to know how when you get interviews.

As a reference point, I would now like to keep a ready reckoner for you of the deadlines:

1st September - Opening day for Applications

15th October - Closing Date for Applications to Oxbridge, medicine, dentistry, or vet. med/ vet. science

1st Janaury 04 - First date to recieve Art & Design Route B applications

15th January - Advisory closing date for UK Applications

5th March - Advisory closing date for Art & Design Route B applications

30 June - Final Date for Submitting UCAS Extra applications before clearing

19 August - Clearing Opens

24 September - Final Date for Applications through Clearing

If you recieve the response of your final University (AS6F) by date 1 you must reply with a decision of "Firm/Insurance/Offer Declined" by date 2

31 March 2004 - 28th April 2004

10 May 2004 - 7th June 2004

18th June 2004 - 7th July 2004

Missing these deadlines puts your place at risk.

Please stick to the format, any general chit-chat can be kept to the forum, we want this just so we can follow people's progress, and so you can see what sort of time scale / how quickly the Universities are responding with offers etc.

Paper Trail

Confirmation Card
If you have sent off your application by post, you should soon afterwards recieve back your confirmation card which says that they have recieved your application.

Confirmation Letter - This document from UCAS confirms the courses and institutes to which you have applied, as well as your Online Enquiry Password, which allows you to track your progress.

These will come from each University, thanking you for applying to them, they will get back to you in the near future with their offer details, both on their letter headed paper, and by AS3 (below)

Offer Letter - These documents are what UCAS send to you with each an University replies to you with an offer. It may contain a rejection, a conditional offer, or unconditional offer.

Final Offer & Reply Slip
This is the document which contains the response from your last University to make a decision on making you an offer - at the bottom will be a slip to which you must reply, within the allocated deadline, with your decision on which to accept as Conditional Firm, and Conditional Insurance, Declines, (or indeed just an Unconditional Firm - if you are really lucky).

Audit Statement
This comes after you have made your decision on CF, CI, UF, D, and confirms your current position.

More Acknowledgements
Universities will now reply to you telling you that they appriciate you choosing them as Firm/Insurance, and will invite you up on their post-application open days. It is a good idea to go to these.

AS10 - Clearing Entry Form
If you do not succeed in making your offers for Firm or Insurance, you will be sent one of these.

AS12 - Confirmation of Place
Alternatively if you have reached made your offer, you will be sent one of these, to fill in and return to UCAS as SOON AS POSSIBLE.

AS18 - Acceptance in Clearing
This letter from UCAS is what you recieve should you be successful in gaining a place at an institution through clearing.

Scroll to see replies

Reply 1
- Sheffield
- Biomedicine
- Offer BBB
- Confident in achieving (though not sure if i will take this offer, waiting for medicine to come through!)

P.S - Good thread, Expression
Reply 2
240 points

OF COURSE I'll get 4 D's!- If I dont' even get this many points, I'll eat my hat. In fact, I wouldn't really go to Bradford. I just put it down cuz I thought I might as well. If I only got into Bradford, I'd take a year out. :biggrin: But that won't happen.
Reply 3
I heard from Birmingham in November after applying by the Oxbridge deadline (though that was for CS, other departments are gonna have different amounts of applications to deal with, I guess).
Reply 4
Warwick's really slow at getting back to you, it was always my first choice, and when after a month after I got all the other offers I still hadn't heard anything I started to worry a tad. But then it came through, so it was all good!
240 points

OF COURSE I'll get 4 D's!

You seem pretty confident there, but remember: Prince Harry had the best education money can buy and his results were BaD
240 points

OF COURSE I'll get 4 D's!- If I dont' even get this many points, I'll eat my hat. In fact, I wouldn't really go to Bradford. I just put it down cuz I thought I might as well. If I only got into Bradford, I'd take a year out. :biggrin: But that won't happen.

Poor old Bradford - it's a very good university that suffered hugely from bad press about the town and now can't seem to get back up on it's feet again...there are definately far far worse places to study than bradford.
Reply 7
Pencil Queen
Poor old Bradford - it's a very good university that suffered hugely from bad press about the town and now can't seem to get back up on it's feet again...there are definately far far worse places to study than bradford.

I live in Bradford hehehe...I should know! :tongue:

As for the Prince Harry comment - well, I am not banking on good grades because of where I study but because I have faith in what I can achieve. I got AABB for AS so I doubt it'll slip down further than DDDD at A2.
Reply 8
Warwick's really slow at getting back to you, it was always my first choice, and when after a month after I got all the other offers I still hadn't heard anything I started to worry a tad. But then it came through, so it was all good!

Are you only speaking from personal experience or is this the case with most applications to Warwick! Does it mean I'll get their offer (or rejection) slowly too?
Reply 9
Are you only speaking from personal experience or is this the case with most applications to Warwick! Does it mean I'll get their offer (or rejection) slowly too?

I just checked online now. Got rejected by Leeds for Law. lol.
Reply 10
Are you only speaking from personal experience or is this the case with most applications to Warwick! Does it mean I'll get their offer (or rejection) slowly too?

last year i got my reply from warwick in november-time (having applied by the OxBridge deadline...) so about a month...
Reply 11
You seem pretty confident there, but remember: Prince Harry had the best education money can buy and his results were BaD

Debatable if Eton is the best education

I think Adhsur is a little bit more intelligent than Prince Harry :wink:
Reply 12
Lord Huntroyde
Debatable if Eton is the best education

I think Adhsur is a little bit more intelligent than Prince Harry :wink:

Awwweee, thank you! Although to be fair, it doesn't take much to be more intelligent than our darling prince.
Reply 13
Royal Holloway
Biomedical Science
i gotta do sum labratory experiment at the interview/open day :confused:
Hopefully i'll get to reject this offer (if i get thru the interview)...cos i really really wanna do dentistry
Yaay, i got an offer of 3B's at Birmingham! Takes the pressure off for the Cambridge Interview! Sorry to boast but i am v happy!
I got my first conditional offer today!! It's from Leicester to study Psychology. I need BBB to do that, but I only put that one down because I had to put 6 courses!! I'm still crossing my fingers for the medicine ones to come through, but it's nice to know I'm wanted!!

I also recieved a letter from Wales college of Medicine and Uni of Plymouth to confirm that they had recieved my form. Scary stuff!!
I received my AS2 acknowledgement today, but I've been made no offers as of yet - does anyone know roughly how long it takes before they start coming through?

I've applied to: Cambridge, Nottingham, Manchester, LSE and Sheffield for Law.
PS, does anyone know if there's any special reason that I've received two identical brown envelopes from Cambridge - all with the exact same forms inside?
Reply 18
Surfing Hamster
I received my AS2 acknowledgement today, but I've been made no offers as of yet - does anyone know roughly how long it takes before they start coming through?

I've applied to: Cambridge, Nottingham, Manchester, LSE and Sheffield for Law.

How long does it take? That's up to each university. Cambridge will let you know in late December, after interview in Nov/Dec. Good luck!
Reply 19
Surfing Hamster
PS, does anyone know if there's any special reason that I've received two identical brown envelopes from Cambridge - all with the exact same forms inside?

it's probably an administrative error on their part. they probably just sent you two by mistake.