The Student Room Group

Babysitting on UCAS employment

Is it worth putting it on to show I'm responsible, trustworthy, cared for kids etc? I don't have space on my PS and its not really right to be in a ref.

I babysit regularly
Sundays 1000-1300
Tuesdays 1830-2130
Thursdays 1830-20:30

Then occasional other days and a lot of weekends. So basically I earn a lot...

If I put this on my form would the fact I'm not taxed and its cash in hand be a problem? I don't want to be illegal :p:

Has anyone put it on forms?

Thanks :biggrin:
Reply 1
I also babysit from time to time, and tutor a boy in year 5 every week. However i didn't put either of these on my form seeing as there's no official employment contract involved - theyre just my ways of paying for my weekends.

However don't take this as the right answer, i'd be interested to see how other people think it should work

Edit: Actually i do remember seeing babysitting mentioned on a few personal statements, so you could certainly do that, it's just whether or not you think you can make space for it, or whether it's worth missing something else out. But as to the employment section, still not sure
Reply 2
I didn't have an official employment contract for my work at a pub, but I put it down anyway. Then again, it was what I did in my gap year, so I could hardly leave it out.
You may as well. They've got better things to do than contact the IR!
Reply 4
Thanks for everyone's replies. I'll call ucas tomorrow and see what they say, and ask my school.

If worse comes to worse I'll try and squeeze it in my PS :smile:

One of the kid's parents is a speech and language therapist so if they needed a reference she would be good :biggrin:.
hey, I'm applying to university for next year, i was wondering if you ever find out whether or not you should just put it on the employment section or PS? thanks :smile: