The Student Room Group
Reply 1
as i mentioned in another thread..the course International Economics and Management taught in english language has a rele bad if u were thinkin of doin it..i wud advise u not to!
Reply 2
That is far from true, the International economics and management course gives the same opportunities as the others Laurea degrees. My friends who graduated from this courses managed to get good job offers (Investment Banking, Big 4 ...), or were admitted to good Masters. And the course being in English is by no means a disadvantage or an indication of a lower quality of the program, As a matter of fact the Master of Sciences in english have higher entry requirement than their Italian counterpart, and when i entered the university the english version of my course(Economia Aziendale) had higher entry requirement than the Italian counterpart.

Concerning the deadlines it shall be posted there:
There is usually many deadline depending on which type of application you chose

As for the entry requirement, once you are accepted as long as you manage to get you IB you will be accepted, they do not pay attention to your final IB grade but will pay attention to your school transcripts, SAT grade or the entrance exam.

You are obliged to take the SATs if you do not want to have to sit for the entrance exam.
Reply 3
Thanks that was a great help! Confirmed my first thoughts that Bocconi is a great university.
Reply 4
Hey, I have one difficult question to ask:P
Whether it's better to apply during winter session or spring session? I have met all the requirments they ask and i've taken SAT test, so I am free to apply through winter app. But at the same time, I am not the top student, I am slightly above the level. Would it be an advantage or disadvantage to apply during the winter session? (chances of being accepted and receiving a scholarship should be taken into consideration).
Reply 5
Hey, I have one difficult question to ask:P
Whether it's better to apply during winter session or spring session? I have met all the requirments they ask and i've taken SAT test, so I am free to apply through winter app. But at the same time, I am not the top student, I am slightly above the level. Would it be an advantage or disadvantage to apply during the winter session? (chances of being accepted and receiving a scholarship should be taken into consideration).

I asked this question at Bocconi's student's office this summer. They said that it's an advantage to apply through the spring app. The reason is they take in more students then, and thus your chances of getting admitted improve.

I have to second the statement that Bocconi has a bad rep, at least to some degree. Because on the other hand, what linkerzx said is also true, to some degree; a number of people from Bocconi get great opportunities. You need to balance your view! Bear in mind that Università Bocconi is a gigant school, which to me seems like most any other Italian university, and that it lacks accreditation. It is SDA Bocconi that's Equis accredited.

What I know, salaries in Italy are a joke, but not a funny one. In fact, from what I've heard Italians say I have the impression that normal Italians, i.e. not the upper class that put their kids at Bocconi because of some sort of tradition, want to study in England much rather than at Bocconi. Furthermore, there are schools like Padova and Trento that I think seem to have an even better reputation than Bocconi - in Italy. And then again, if it is an international career you want, why study at Bocconi?

And it is indeed true that the English you will hear will not be that good. But then I think that you could do worse in many other countries, certainly here in Sweden for one.
Reply 6
I have acquired a total different image of Bocconi,

Most of the information coming from students at the International-course.
What I have been told, is that most of them have had no problem with finding good internships/works etc.

I can't really agree with you Ben-Benn, about Bocconi being a "gigant school", with about 10,000 students(postgraduate and SDA included). Looking at Trento and Padova as you mentioned, approximately 20,000 and 60,000 students :s-smilie:

Topic answers:

I'm nearly sure you will be accepted with 39+2 IB points.

I would also recommend you to take the SAT test, since they recommend it, but I don't think you have to take it with your grades. Try to contact their undergraduate recruitement service, they answer really fast if you send e-mail!

A specific email service is dedicated to prospective students. Our email address is [email protected]
