The Student Room Group

How did you lose your virginity?

Hi Guys,

Lost my viginity last Friday and it was absolutely perfect. My boyfriend took me to a hotel, mind you it was in the town i lived in but that doesnt matter. No pressure at all to have sex and it felt wonderful. Didnt hurt one bit because i was truely ready, love and trust him competely.

Just wondered what everybody elses experiance was like

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Reply 1
Yup mine was pretty good with my ex. Had been together for over a year, both felt ready to 'take the next step' so to say and it was pretty fantastic! We both enjoyed it and were both were ready, which I guess made it good!
I was wasted... then I woke up the next morning and my mate was like babe I can't believe you did it! I was like umm what did I do? Then I felt the pain. First time in my first proper relationship was great though :smile: and worth the 7 month wait
it was in an orgy. not a good way to be broken in.
its pretty embarrasing tbh, i went on a first date with a guy, got absolutely hammered and next thing i knew i wasn't a virgin anymore?! think he had it all planned to loosen me up with some drinks, i realised after our 3 dates when everytime he would get me wasted and take me back to his... not cool
Reply 5
been with my boyfriend nearly 3 years, had sex after one - it was really nice, like everyone else here i think it was just because i was ready and there was no pressure at all to do it. never looked back!!
Reply 6
in flea ridden bed in ruislip.
not my BEST decision ever, i'll admit.
Reply 7
With my boyfriend, we'd been together hm, 4 months. It was lovely and no pressure whatsoever. :smile:

Didn't hurt or bleed either. *score* :biggrin:

Still together. *score*x2 :biggrin:
Reply 8
Hi Guys,

Lost my viginity last Friday and it was absolutely perfect. My boyfriend took me to a hotel, mind you it was in the town i lived in but that doesnt matter. No pressure at all to have sex and it felt wonderful. Didnt hurt one bit because i was truely ready, love and trust him competely.

Just wondered what everybody elses experiance was like

I don't think love, trust etc can actually stop physical pain. :curious:
Lots of girls who are in love etc still find their first time painful.
You were just a lucky one.

Thanks for telling us about how you lost your virginity tho :rolleyes:
Reply 9
I was drunk - That's how I lost twent... my virginity
I don't think love, trust etc can actually stop physical pain. :curious:
Lots of girls who are in love etc still find their first time painful.
You were just a lucky one.

Thanks for telling us about how you lost your virginity tho :rolleyes:

I kinda seen what she means though, because usually if you're nervous or scared then you tense up which makes it painful... whereas she was completely relaxed so it didn't hurt as much.

Anyway, my parents were out and I was in my room with my boyfriend and we had been talking about it for like months, but I didn't want to rush into anything. So I was thinking for a couple of mins and then I was like 'I'm ready, I really want to'. Sooo we did it. And it didn't hurt and I didn't bleed and we're still together :biggrin:
I had sex with a girl that had a boyfriend. Wasn't just the once either, har har, gutted...
sex is bad at a young age cmmmonnnn

Didn't hurt or bleed either. *score* :biggrin:

Besides how the guy acts, doesn't that depend on how much fingering, etc. you've done before?
sex is bad at a young age cmmmonnnn

No, it's good. :cool:
I'm stiil a virgin :ninja:
Very, very, very, very, very drunk. So was he.

In my bedroom (had some friends downstairs) with my mum in the next bedroom asleep and my sister sleeping in the bunk above.

I may consider de-anoning depending on the reactions I get for this...

I'm stiil a virgin :ninja:

Are you joking? :confused:
Besides how the guy acts, doesn't that depend on how much fingering, etc. you've done before?

Depends on if your hymen has been broken. Can break by a ton of different things. So no, not always.
Loving how the lads are just saying 'by having sex'


Mine was after a rather steamy shower with my bf, whilst we were ment to be at school.... :colondollar: