The Student Room Group

What happens if I Fail all my GCSEs or 1 or 2

Hey there I was just wondering if anyone could answer my question here but I’ve been trying to find an answer for it for ages.
But if I fail my GCSEs or 1 or 2 or any core ones like English and maths do the school or college force you to retake them or is it optional and I can just leave school.
If anyone knows the answer to this please could you let me know.
You would have to retake Eng Lang and Maths, I think.
Everything else you can fail with impunity but it may affect your options post-16 if you have no qualifications!
If you fail GCSE maths and/or English, you will have to retake them until you pass/ turn 18. Not having l2 qualifications in maths and English will make your life difficult.

If you fail science, nothing will happen as a direct result. However you need a pass in science for careers such as teaching. It would also restrict your options if you wished to do a health care related degree.
Original post by username4910484
If you fail GCSE maths and/or English, you will have to retake them until you pass/ turn 18. Not having l2 qualifications in maths and English will make your life difficult.

If you fail science, nothing will happen as a direct result. However you need a pass in science for careers such as teaching. It would also restrict your options if you wished to do a health care related degree.

i know it's been a year but you have no idea how long i have been looking for an answer to that
Original post by Stam21
Hey there I was just wondering if anyone could answer my question here but I’ve been trying to find an answer for it for ages.
But if I fail my GCSEs or 1 or 2 or any core ones like English and maths do the school or college force you to retake them or is it optional and I can just leave school.
If anyone knows the answer to this please could you let me know.

you have to redo everything until you get a pass specifically English at maths because though are the most important subjects your going to do *your question has been answered

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