The Student Room Group

Vet physio masters help

I am currently doing sport and ex science, to become a physiotherapist as I couldn't do that course due to entry requirements needing biology, therefore i am having to go the long way round. However, i actually wanted to become a animal physio, and now its too late to drop out of my uni and then do a 4yrs course, so I am thinking to carry on and then do a MSc in physiotherapy, but I am wondering are you able to do 2 masters for me to then do Veterinary physio as a second masters and then I would be a qualified human physio!

I know this is the longest route ever and very frustrating.
If anyone knows if that is allowed, that would be very helpful.
Hi I would suggest continuing with your sports degree to then complete a Masters in Physiotherapy. After that you should try and get some work experience in the summer you graduate (with animals). Then start looking for courses for vet physio and see what their requirements are. I'm not sure how helpful my response was but that is how I would approach this situation.
But yes, first step I would get that Physiotherapy degree then you should be able to do Vet physio afterwards.
Original post by twentystraveller
Hi I would suggest continuing with your sports degree to then complete a Masters in Physiotherapy. After that you should try and get some work experience in the summer you graduate (with animals). Then start looking for courses for vet physio and see what their requirements are. I'm not sure how helpful my response was but that is how I would approach this situation.

Yes I agree, I think this is the only way forward. Thankyou so much !
Reply 4
Hi! I know this post is two years old but did you managed to find a way around this? What’s the update because I am planning to do something very similar
Reply 5
Hi! I know this post is two years old but did you managed to find a way around this? What’s the update because I am planning to do something very similar
Reply 6
Hi! I know this post is two years old but did you managed to find a way around this? What’s the update because I am planning to do something very similar

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