The Student Room Group

Introduction to health sciences CITY UOL2021

Hey my name is Sayeem

has anyone else applied to this foundation course? I have firmed an offer and I hope to do radiography in 2022.

Let me know if You've also applied for this course

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Original post by sayko12312
Hey my name is Sayeem

has anyone else applied to this foundation course? I have firmed an offer and I hope to do radiography in 2022.

Let me know if You've also applied for this course

Hi Sayeem! I hope you are doing well. I am an Official Economics Student Representative at City UoL where I am in my second-year of undergraduate study.

First of all, a huge congratulations on the very well-deserved offer! I am extremely happy for you.

If you would like to learn more about your Radiography course from students themselves, you can speak to us current students directly and ask any questions you have through the following link:

If there are any questions you may have about City UoL in general, please do let me know and I would be more than happy to help. Wishing you all the success with your future studies! 😊

Best Regards,
Abida Ali
Official Economics Student Representative for City, University of London
Original post by sayko12312
Hey my name is Sayeem

has anyone else applied to this foundation course? I have firmed an offer and I hope to do radiography in 2022.

Let me know if You've also applied for this course

Hi Sayeem,

I hope you are well! My names Nadia an I am an Official Nursing Student Representative at City UoL, and I am currently a third year student.

I would like to first start by saying congratulations! The process of getting in is an arduous one, so this is well-deserved!

As I do not study Radiography there is not much I can tell you, however I can say definitely have a look at this weblink, it's where you can read blogs on current students studying the same degree as yourself, alongside being able to ask a question;

Also have a look at City UoL Youtube page;
It has useful student perspective videos on radiography which may be of some use to you, in terms of what modules you may encounter, student life etc.

As I am nursing student I am part of the School of Health Sciences, as you will be too once you are a radiography student, and I just want to say the facilities and equipment within the SHS are modern, and dedicated to help aid you with your learning process.

If you have any questions in general about studying at City, please don't hesitate to message me, and I'll be happy to help!

Nadia :smile:
Original post by username1017888
Hey, I’m Huda I’ll be doing that course in 2021 but hopefully get to do midwifery in 2022. Is there a group chat for this course?

hi! im hafsa, im doing this course in 2021 too. i haven't found a groupchat or anything yet but id be happy to give you my Instagram or smth and we can talk & let each other know if we find anything
Original post by sayko12312
Hey my name is Sayeem

has anyone else applied to this foundation course? I have firmed an offer and I hope to do radiography in 2022.

Let me know if You've also applied for this course

i applied for this and am starting it next week. are you doing this course?
Reply 5
Original post by _yikesssss
i applied for this and am starting it next week. are you doing this course?

hello yeh
Original post by sayko12312
hello yeh

do you know of any gcs for this course yet? do you have Instagram or smth?
Reply 7
Original post by _yikesssss
do you know of any gcs for this course yet? do you have Instagram or smth?

I only know one other person doing the course
Original post by _yikesssss
hi! im hafsa, im doing this course in 2021 too. i haven't found a groupchat or anything yet but id be happy to give you my Instagram or smth and we can talk & let each other know if we find anything

Hey Hafsa same I was hoping to find groups here too we can give each others social on private chat
Reply 9
Original post by _yikesssss
i applied for this and am starting it next week. are you doing this course?

Hi, I’ve applied for introduction to health science and hope to start in 2022 but I haven’t heard anything back? Do u remember around the time u heard back from them and what grades u applied with?

im gonna start this course this year hoping to do radiography in 2023, how was it like for you generally? is it a hard course or...?
i'm starting this course this year, did u end up getting accepeted?

Original post by nirnat_x
Hi, I’ve applied for introduction to health science and hope to start in 2022 but I haven’t heard anything back? Do u remember around the time u heard back from them and what grades u applied with?
Reply 12
Original post by Anonymous
i'm starting this course this year, did u end up getting accepeted?

Hi! I'm also starting this course this year, do you know if there's a gc to join?
Hey i'm starting this year too lmk if you find a gc for it x

Original post by JaniceO
Hi! I'm also starting this course this year, do you know if there's a gc to join?
Original post by _yikesssss
do you know of any gcs for this course yet? do you have Instagram or smth?

Hey....ive made a gc for intro to health sciences 2022... private msg me your insta and i'll add you :smile:
(edited 2 years ago)
same here xx have you gotten your timetable yet?

Original post by GST1_m4n543
same here let me know guys. Nice to know others in the same boat
Hey....ive made a gc for intro to health sciences 2022... private msg me your insta and i'll add you :smile:. The timetable is online, but there are groups for the seminars/ tutorials, which they havent told us yet.
Original post by Anonymous
same here xx have you gotten your timetable yet?
Reply 17
Original post by FutureUndergrxd
Hey....ive made a gc for intro to health sciences 2022... private msg me your insta and i'll add you :smile:. The timetable is online, but there are groups for the seminars/ tutorials, which they havent told us yet.

Hi, could you msg me ur insta because I can't send msgs on tsr just yet since its a new account :smile:
hey guys, i was wondering if you guys have any BTEC national extended applied students studying diagnostic radiography as i am applying for 2023
(edited 2 years ago)
Original post by hijabhacker
hey guys, i was wondering if you guys have any BTEC national extended applied students studying diagnostic radiography as i am applying for 2023

There is a new thread for 2023 diagnostic radiography applicants to introduce themselves and ask questions:

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