The Student Room Group

University of Essex Postgrad Accommodation

So i’ve been offered a place to study for the Speech and Language Therapy Msc at Uni of Essex!
I’m from Manchester so will be moving into accommodation, but have never been to Essex and don’t know the area at all.
I have looked for university accommodation but Uni of Essex states students cannot park on campus and shouldn’t bring a car. I have placement on my course so I really need my car with my for travelling :frown:

Can anyone recommend a good postgrad accommodation (I’d like to live with other postgrads rather than undergrads) and anyone know where I could park/any accommodation that has parking?
For context I am 22 so whilst I want somewhere a bit quieter so I can focus on studying/placement, I also do love a night out and want a social life too.

Also please just comment if you are planning to move to Essex too as it would be nice to make some connections before I move there! :smile:

Are you based at Southend or Colchester campus?
I don't know Colchester but Southend has lots of terraced housing with residents permit parking only. So if you do bring your car it will be difficult to park but not impossible. There's lots of train stations and bus routes though so public transport not too bad.
Night life is based in Southend town centre or Leigh on Sea. I'm too old to recommend any of it though!
Reply 2
Thanks for your help!
Sorry I forgot to say but i’m based in Colchester :frown:
Let me know what information you find! I am 22 as well and moving to Essex for my MA this year. I am probably going to live on campus, hopefully with other postgrads and not undergrads. Is it normal in the UK for grad-students to live in accommodation or is it a bit awkward?
Yea i wouldnt mind knowing more about this also as im 33 and returning to education for an undergrad in colchester hopefully.
Reply 5
Hi,I am beginning the Speech and Language Therapy Msc in October. Could you let me know what you suggest for accommodation? I’ll be 29 so wouldn’t mind the quieter areas and also, are we able to park anywhere?Thank!
Original post by KJANE28
Hi,I am beginning the Speech and Language Therapy Msc in October. Could you let me know what you suggest for accommodation? I’ll be 29 so wouldn’t mind the quieter areas and also, are we able to park anywhere?Thank!

Hi @KJANE28,

If you're looking for a more quiet accommodation I would recommend the Houses! It's a bit isolated away from the rest of the accommodations, only has about 6 people per flat and is surrounded by a beautiful park! However there's also some flats that contain only masters or mature students, you can get in contact with the student services hub here to find out which ones that may be (if I recall correctly you can state on your accommodation form if you'd like to be with other mature students!):

There is parking available, however if you live on campus you'll be unable to park there unless you have accessibility needs that you need to apply for. Since you're on campus they want to reserve parking for students who want to commute.

Hope this was helpful and I'm happy to answer any more questions you may have!

Original post by KJANE28
Hi,I am beginning the Speech and Language Therapy Msc in October. Could you let me know what you suggest for accommodation? I’ll be 29 so wouldn’t mind the quieter areas and also, are we able to park anywhere?Thank!

Whats the course timetable like? How many days on campus?
The water hasnt worked in south towers for months so not there haha - the more expensive the rent is the nicer and bigger the room is so choose accordingly
Can’t wait for Sessex! My daughter can’t wait for her post grad! Any chance I can live with her
Reply 10
hey! I just got accepted into the course as well and im 21, im moving from aus and not very familiar with the area, was wondering if your planning to stay off campus? would love to explore my options of accomodations
Original post by itssssriri
hey! I just got accepted into the course as well and im 21, im moving from aus and not very familiar with the area, was wondering if your planning to stay off campus? would love to explore my options of accomodations

Hiya @itssssriri
Congratulations !🤩
Essex University Students Union provides Essex Homes a place where you can rent a place to live outside the university campus.
The university has partnerships with local lenders, making the rent more accessible and the houses are guaranteed to be in good conditions.
Here is the link:SUHomes | Lettings Agent in Essex

If you have any more questions don't hesitate in contacting me.

Essex Official Rep-Cat 😊
Original post by itssssriri
hey! I just got accepted into the course as well and im 21, im moving from aus and not very familiar with the area, was wondering if your planning to stay off campus? would love to explore my options of accomodations
Hi! I also just got accepted to this course as an international student! I’m also not familiar with the area but I’m currently looking at on-campus accommodation options at some of the quieter residences.
Original post by _hannahbanana
Hi! I also just got accepted to this course as an international student! I’m also not familiar with the area but I’m currently looking at on-campus accommodation options at some of the quieter residences.
I have also got a place on this course- but live locally already so not moving into postgrad accommodation. Is there a fb page for the 24/25 year yet?
Original post by Anonymous #1
I have also got a place on this course- but live locally already so not moving into postgrad accommodation. Is there a fb page for the 24/25 year yet?

I haven’t seen any Facebook pages yet but I’ll keep an eye out.
Original post by Anonymous #1
I have also got a place on this course- but live locally already so not moving into postgrad accommodation. Is there a fb page for the 24/25 year yet?

Hey! A favebook group was created this week!
Reply 16
I’m looking to apply and hopefully get started in 2025 and was wondering about if it’s 2 semesters from October to December and then January to May? Or it is 3 semesters?
Original post by OyzieTee
I’m looking to apply and hopefully get started in 2025 and was wondering about if it’s 2 semesters from October to December and then January to May? Or it is 3 semesters?

Hey @OyzieTee

I am happy to hear that you will be joining us soon! ❤️

Our university has three terms: October to December, January to March, April to June, or Late May. (This is for undergrad degree)

If you are doing a master's degree, it will also be 3 terms but depending on the course you are doing, you may start earlier and end later. Which course have you applied to study? If you have applied for the MSc Speech and Language Therapy course: the term will also start in Oct but it may ends in August due to your placement. You are more than welcome to visit our website and talk to our current student!

All the best for your application and we are looking forward to having you soon! 😆

Claudia (BSc Occupational therapy student)💚
Thanks so much. This really helped.

Was also wondering how manageable it would be for a single mum of 2: 7 and 1 and a half.
Original post by OyzieTee
Thanks so much. This really helped.
Was also wondering how manageable it would be for a single mum of 2: 7 and 1 and a half.

Hey @OyzieTee

I am glad the information is helpful! I studied for a bachelor's degree, and over half of the cohort comprised mature students with similar backgrounds like you! They also did incredibly well, so I believe you will also be alright! As you mentioned you have 2 young children, our university also has a nursery onsite which will be helpful for you. Classes usually start at 10 (usually we have 10-1 and 2-4 classes) so you may easily plan your child care plan.

Wish you all the best! If you want to have further discussion, you are always welcome to use our live chat platform to talk to current student or lecturers which give you more of an idea how does the course looks like!

Best regards
Claudia 🌿

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