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Reply 1
Do all of you say Chav? There are loadsa different words for 'chavs' that we use where I'm from, just wondering what everyone else says?I'd never heard of the word chav before coming on here! :rolleyes:

townie, scalley
I usally say scally...though Ned, townie are other commonly used names...
Reply 3
where I'm from its Sharon/Shazza for a female chav and Kevin/Kev for a male chav. is that just a birmingham thing then? :eek:
Reply 4
Meader is a common term in Bristol. Although you need to be careful who you use it around as it refers to someone from a part of Bristol...
Reply 6
Reply 7
Meader is a common term in Bristol. Although you need to be careful who you use it around as it refers to someone from a part of Bristol...

Is that Southmead?
Reply 8
shaz, trev, kappa slappa etc... there was a thread on this a couple of months ago... chav seems to have become the industry standard for terming low-life scum nowadays though - breaking through the dialect.
Reply 9
where I'm from its Sharon/Shazza for a female chav and Kevin/Kev for a male chav. is that just a birmingham thing then? :eek:

yes :cool:
Reply 10
Well, before the advent of the word chav my friend and I invented a name for them. We used to use the prefix Bo, (as in bo selecta- but this was before the program, we truly were visionaries) it works with anything, observe;
"Hahaha, look at that bo-child"
"That bo-guy looks like an idiot with his tracksuit bottoms tucked into his socks"

See? I'm so glad I could finally share that with the world...
Reply 11
It's Kev in our neck of the woods. Hell, we need our own name considering there are so many in Aylesbury!
Reply 12
Is that Southmead?

Yes...I've known of a few people from there and most have lived up to the stereotype. Or they rebel it and go for the opposite trend...goth.
Reply 13
lol- being American i have no idea what our equivelent is! :biggrin:
Reply 14
Didn't the term chav originate in the use of CHeltenham AVerage, thereby referring to a type of person from which girls at a certain public school were taught to stay well away?
Didn't the term chav originate in the use of CHeltenham AVerage, thereby referring to a type of person from which girls at a certain public school were taught to stay well away?

ßloody el! Clever clogs over there! :p:
Reply 16
Here in NI we call them Steeks or Spides :biggrin:
am i the only one who has NEVER heard of the word "chav" lol
Reply 18
Have used to call them stigs in the past.
Reply 19
im south london and we usually call them rudeboys, and the girls either pikeys or shazzas, i have heard ppl call them other things like chavs and townies etc, but EVERYONE says rude boys, basically because they think they are 'rude'...