The Student Room Group
Reply 1
This page has information on the individual modules for English at Sussex. I know it's not precisely what you asked for, but I thought it might be useful.
Reply 2
It's terrible, don't go there!
I study English at Sussex and it's kind of hard for me to give a proper, insightful opinion of it because I haven't studied it anywhere else so have nothing to compare it too! I'd say some of the courses are interesting, others BORING, lecturs tend to be crap as well because the lectuers, on the whole, have zero charisma, and just read power points, but there is the odd good one. There is loads of reading, but then it is english. Oh and they seem to be pretty linent with marking. Last year I had a literary history exam that was 3 hours long. I walked out after an hour, gave rubbish answers, and still left with 51%.

The unis pretty nice, but grammar/public school hippies with tory parents piss me off, especially when they're all like FREE THE WORKING CLASS! yet have no real understanding of them, but apart from that everyone's pretty cool!
Reply 4
I study English at Sussex and it's kind of hard for me to give a proper, insightful opinion of it because I haven't studied it anywhere else so have nothing to compare it too! I'd say some of the courses are interesting, others BORING, lecturs tend to be crap as well because the lectuers, on the whole, have zero charisma, and just read power points, but there is the odd good one. There is loads of reading, but then it is english. Oh and they seem to be pretty linent with marking. Last year I had a literary history exam that was 3 hours long. I walked out after an hour, gave rubbish answers, and still left with 51%.

The unis pretty nice, but grammar/public school hippies with tory parents piss me off, especially when they're all like FREE THE WORKING CLASS! yet have no real understanding of them, but apart from that everyone's pretty cool!

Are you studying Language or Literature?
Reply 6
I'd have to say I agree with Calum, from experience!
Reply 7
apparently my contribution "Contains no helpful information, or critical discussion, simply asserting an opinion with no related facts to support the claim."

I'll give you some facts then shall I.

It's awful, the course is dull, unimaginative, taught by monotonous lecturers who really don't want to be there half the time, the seminar leaders are often shocking, just sit there quietly and hope you'll all start talking. Lots of the people are the type who got all A's at A Level, but go there because they don't want to do any work and just want to party in Brighton. If you don't like drugs or binge drinking, you're pretty stuck there.
The campus is isolated, lots of people feel lonely, Brighton is an effort to get to, first a ten minute walk from campus to station, then ten minute train, then walk into town. (Ok it's 30/40 mins tops, but still, it's not central)

I could go on but... it's just odd how I've come across so many people who have left sussex and transferred elsewhere, moreso than a lot of other unis. It may be right for you, but all I say is just seriously consider it and visit and get to know the place before spending the next 3/4 years of your life there!
Reply 8
I don't go to sussex (so i cant fully help) but i have a friend who does english there (well english language and linguistics) and she seems to enjoy it. I however study mine at Brighton University (doing the same course), and we've sometimes shown each other tasks set/reading lists/opinion on teaching standards. From what I can gather she said the workload can sometimes be a bit too much, with very little interaction between tutor and student (basically she reads a lot of stuff). Although she enjoys the atmosphere and likes some of her lecture theatres so I suppose thats a good point..?
And I go through sussex every morning (catch the 25 bus to falmer campus - Brighton uni) and I like it a lot, some areas of sussex are really pretty and nice to look at...but because I don't actually study there I can only give my opinion from what I've seen rather than what I've experienced... so my advice is pretty useless xD but hey :smile: I'm contributing so I guess thats something. Good luck making your decision :smile:
apparently my contribution "Contains no helpful information, or critical discussion, simply asserting an opinion with no related facts to support the claim."

I'll give you some facts then shall I.

It's awful, the course is dull, unimaginative, taught by monotonous lecturers who really don't want to be there half the time, the seminar leaders are often shocking, just sit there quietly and hope you'll all start talking. Lots of the people are the type who got all A's at A Level, but go there because they don't want to do any work and just want to party in Brighton. If you don't like drugs or binge drinking, you're pretty stuck there.
The campus is isolated, lots of people feel lonely, Brighton is an effort to get to, first a ten minute walk from campus to station, then ten minute train, then walk into town. (Ok it's 30/40 mins tops, but still, it's not central)

I could go on but... it's just odd how I've come across so many people who have left sussex and transferred elsewhere, moreso than a lot of other unis. It may be right for you, but all I say is just seriously consider it and visit and get to know the place before spending the next 3/4 years of your life there!

In fairness though it isn't THAT bad. Some of the courses are really interesting, I'm doing one at the moment on the representation of the body (not just in literature but photography, film ect too) throughout history, and it's fascinating, and a course I did last year about literary theory and approaches was pretty decent too. The lectures aren't ALL rubbish, I'd say it's a 50/50 split between good and bad. The courses as well I'd say are really well thought out - the course readers you can buy to go with the courses are vivid and extremly helpful. As for seminars you only got out of them what you put in.

''Lots of the people are the type who got all A's at A Level, but go there because they don't want to do any work and just want to party in Brighton.''

Hahaha I would say this is true! Although most of my friends like that dossed around the first year, but now we're all working VERY hard the 2nd. Someone said ''The average sussex student could've gone to york but didn't want ther hard work' sounds about right. But there are also LOTS of very hard working students who in seminars amaze me with some of the things they come out with... it's a good mix, really.

The campus is indeed isolated, but in a way that's a good thing - the hills around it, the south downs, are beautiful and I had many a nice morning walk along them whilst my brain was fried from the night before! it's a lovely location. Yeah to be honest I have also heard of lots of people feeling lonely, but where I lived, east slope, there was parties nearly every night and loads of people around, I guess it depends upon where you live.

I agreee there are things about Sussex which piss me off, like sometimes I will leave a lecture and think ''3150 pound! I miss you!'' but otherwise it's all good.

Brighton, by the way, is ****ing incredible I love it, I never wanna leave, best city ever.
Reply 10
It's terrible, don't go there!

Out of interest why did you include it in your 5 choices then?
Reply 11
Thank you so much for all your responses.
Reply 12
Just a few more questions... At the open day I noticed how they emphasised the individuality of the course but what actually is it that makes it so individual? Does the individuality make it more interesting? How does it differ to other University courses? Also how well regarded is the Course/ University to employers?