apparently my contribution "Contains no helpful information, or critical discussion, simply asserting an opinion with no related facts to support the claim."
I'll give you some facts then shall I.
It's awful, the course is dull, unimaginative, taught by monotonous lecturers who really don't want to be there half the time, the seminar leaders are often shocking, just sit there quietly and hope you'll all start talking. Lots of the people are the type who got all A's at A Level, but go there because they don't want to do any work and just want to party in Brighton. If you don't like drugs or binge drinking, you're pretty stuck there.
The campus is isolated, lots of people feel lonely, Brighton is an effort to get to, first a ten minute walk from campus to station, then ten minute train, then walk into town. (Ok it's 30/40 mins tops, but still, it's not central)
I could go on but... it's just odd how I've come across so many people who have left sussex and transferred elsewhere, moreso than a lot of other unis. It may be right for you, but all I say is just seriously consider it and visit and get to know the place before spending the next 3/4 years of your life there!