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This has been done before, recently.
My Daddy found my vibrator in my violin case. That was awkward. At the dinner table, he went all red and said 'Umm, I don't think the violin case is the best place to hide things, Lindsey'. My mouth literally dropped open.

I suppose that's not as bad as actualy being caught in the act though.
Reply 3
you hand slipped? :rofl:.....thats got to be the worse excuse ive ever heard
Last Summer's Dream
My Daddy found my vibrator in my violin case. That was awkward. At the dinner table, he went all red and said 'Umm, I don't think the violin case is the best place to hide things, Lindsey'. My mouth literally dropped open.

I suppose that's not as bad as actualy being caught in the act though.

He couldn't have found a more appropriate time to say this than at dinner???
Reply 5
No, but I was caught with er... someone else doing it for me.

Although we didn't use that excuse :no:
No, but I was caught with er... someone else doing it for me.

Although we didn't use that excuse :no:

your dad caught your bf fingering you ? seriously how can people be so careless?
Reply 7
your dad caught your bf fingering you ? seriously how can people be so careless?

No, his brother walked in.

His parents used to knock but apparently his bro had no such concept :no:
I thought my Dad had gone out so I was using my vibrator... being vocal and all that jazz. Then I heard him downstairs on the phone...

It was kinda awkward after that.
Lol at the violin thing, how did you survive? I would have wanted the ground to swallow me up! hehe ... I've never been caught haha although I was in bed with a guy (I would say ex boyfriend but it lasted about a week so it really was nothing serious haha) we weren't having sex or anything (I'm a virgin) we were just kissing but because we were in bed I guess it might have looked like more, anyway his younger brother walked in :s-smilie:
Reply 10

What a shocker :eek: :p:
Never.. but some funny moments... my gf had c*m in her hair and her mum came upstairs hahahahahahaha thankfully she didnt notice or i would have had to say i sneezed!! it wasnt a lot but that was funny! Other then that nothing cos we are pretty discrete and dont do much and nor often.
As I do touch myself often in my sleep; I did wake up, more than once, to someone walking in one me and realised I was touching my self.
Last Summer's Dream
My Daddy found my vibrator in my violin case. That was awkward. At the dinner table, he went all red and said 'Umm, I don't think the violin case is the best place to hide things, Lindsey'. My mouth literally dropped open.

I suppose that's not as bad as actualy being caught in the act though.

"This one time, at band camp...." :love:

Reply 15
I was once cautioned by a police officer for relieving myself on a car after a night at the pub. Does that count?
Lol, my brother walked in and started having a conversation! Luckily my vibes are all super quiet, so I turned them off without them realising. But...I still had it inside me and couldn't take it out without him seeing.
(I was on my floor, under my quilt)

But yeah, he stood there for like 20 minutes, just chatting! :eek: :o:
I was on my floor, under my quilt

:confused: :confused: :confused:
Reply 18
Lol this thread makes me laugh! Although I'd hate to find myself in your situations! Would be so awkward. But yeh, I don't pleasure myself as weird as that sounds but in the bathroom with the door locked would be the safest option :P
Reply 19
Lol, my brother walked in and started having a conversation! Luckily my vibes are all super quiet, so I turned them off without them realising. But...I still had it inside me and couldn't take it out without him seeing.
(I was on my floor, under my quilt)

But yeah, he stood there for like 20 minutes, just chatting! :eek: :o:

Omg best 20 mins of your life!:rolleyes: