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Easy. But on your conscience be it.
Reply 2
hard. they have ways of working things out. alibis and motives, for example
Yeah, to be fair, getting away with murder is probably quite easy given the right circumstances.
Reply 4
Surely it just depends how well you plan it, and whether it looks accidental or like murder.
1. If you push someone off a cliff, your DNA would probably be on them somewhere as I presume there'd be a struggle. Also there'd be witnesses of you being with said person before you took him/her up to the cliff.

2. This would probably be an easier than the first one to get away with, if there were absolutely no witnesses. Although there could be witnesses to say that you were out driving at the time of the incident. Also it's difficult to repair damage to your car/wash the blood off it without others noticing. Also specs of paint from the car would be on the person you hit?

3. That's like asking if you can get away with shooting someone, or stabbing someone. Generally the answer is no.

There's always a witness.
Reply 6
i think just 'getting away with it' is not the hardest part. as mentioned before, your conscience is the worst and i think it's in the human nature to talk about things that bug us (and having killed someone would obviously bug you) so we would sooner or later tell someone and no matter how much we thought we could trust that person, i think it will eventually come out! well, it doesn't have to (there are so many unsolved murders out there) but most of the time something goes wrong and the murder gets detected...
Prosecution have to prove actus reus and mens rea of murder beyond all reasonable doubt. The bar to be convicted is set very high. Of course, that assumes you're caught and the CPS believe they have enough evidence to bring you to trial, so you'd have screwed up somehow. :p:
Reply 8
Also if they are homeless with no relatives would anyone even know if they went missing???
Reply 9
That's some good logic there :rolleyes:
(edited 5 years ago)
(edited 5 years ago)
Reply 11
I'm pretty sure if you drove out of your town to a secluded country spot, changed the plates on your car, drove 100 miles to another town, parked up out of town, walked a mile in, went into a random house and slit the throat of a random person, walked out of the house, back to your car, drove back to the secluded spot, changed the plates back, and drove back to your house.... one would find out.
Reply 12
What, the best way to get away with murder is to get caught and convicted ? OK.
(edited 5 years ago)
Reply 13
I'm pretty sure if you drove out of your town to a secluded country spot, changed the plates on your car, drove 100 miles to another town, parked up out of town, walked a mile in, went into a random house and slit the throat of a random person, walked out of the house, back to your car, drove back to the secluded spot, changed the plates back, and drove back to your house.... one would find out.

Factor in CCTV and you're ******
Reply 14
The second part at least really isn't true. A murder sentence is at the very very least 10 years and is a large majority of the time much more which isn't 'might aswell have been let off' in my book.

The conviction rate for murder is lower than other crimes, I don't know enough about the subject to comment on why that is.
(edited 5 years ago)
Reply 15
Factor in CCTV and you're ******

Hence walk into the suburbs from outside the town.

And wear a disguise, clearly. I forgot that bit.
Well, that puts you in the firm category of the masses who really don't have a clue about our justice system. To quote Blackstone: "Better ten guilty men be let free than one innocent man be punished".

As I put above, there are several stages to proving murder, and the bar to conviction is high for a reason. I couldn't care less if you were at the scene of a murder, it proves neither act of murder nor intent or recklessness.

This country's "justice system" is one of the best in the world, in fact, it's so good, most of the world followed suit. :wink:
(edited 5 years ago)
Reply 17
An effective approach would be to take a drive out to the country one night (with a good reason for doing so) and go to the house of someone who you know lives alone and in a very secluded area. Inject them with poison and put them in the boot of your car. Back home get a very strong acid/alkaline and put the body in. After a few days the body will be gone. Then take the teeth and put them inside a crisp packet in a public bin. Murder, done.
Reply 18
Really not that difficult if there is nothing to associate you with the crime in the eyes of the police. Your DNA is only any use to them if you are already a suspect. However, the vast majority of people who commit murder are not hugely intelligent, which is why these bodies tend to end up dumped in inner-city hedges etc. It would take something pretty damn extreme to make me consider killing someone.
An effective approach would be to take a drive out to the country one night (with a good reason for doing so) and go to the house of someone who you know lives alone and in a very secluded area. Inject them with poison and put them in the boot of your car. Back home get a very strong acid/alkaline and put the body in. After a few days the body will be gone. Then take the teeth and put them inside a crisp packet in a public bin. Murder, done.

Take the teeth and put them in a crisp packet!!!! Hahahah!!!!!!!