The Student Room Group

Chancellor’s Wharf

I’ve applied for a room at Chancellor’s Wharf because I feel it’s my best option for next year. The main thing I want is to meet new people to live with without having to move back to campus. So would anyone say Chancellor’s is good for making friends? Or do people generally keep to themselves there? Definitely don’t want to feel lonely every day. My other option is to find a random student house to move in with but that kinda scares me more.
Reply 1
I know this is a year old but I'm thinking about moving into Chancellors Wharf next year. Can you give me your opinion on if it was social or not?
Original post by ningja23
I know this is a year old but I'm thinking about moving into Chancellors Wharf next year. Can you give me your opinion on if it was social or not?

Hi, my daughter applied to Chancellors for next year and got a place :smile: she did first year halls on campus, second year with her first year house mates in landlord accommodation. third year private halls, and Chancellors for 4th year.
With her private halls (penny st) for 3rd year she applied as a single person rather than a group, although in her flat theres singles, groups of twos and threes and its worked out rather well. Everyone there seems to get on rather well, and although she has other friends she socialises with, she often is in the kitchen having a conversation and mingling with whom ever is there.
Theres like a social area on the top floor of each of the 3 buildings of chancellors and Christmas Halloween and easter they seem to do events on their facebook page.
It really is down to you and how much you want to socialise, and also how you want to socialise, be it clubbing, pub quiz, house party, rock climbing club etc
Original post by ningja23
I know this is a year old but I'm thinking about moving into Chancellors Wharf next year. Can you give me your opinion on if it was social or not?

From my experiences and things that I have heard from others, Chancellors Wharf has a very similar atmosphere and overall atmosphere to what you would expect campus accommodation to have, and is really quite a sociable halls. Many people will already have friend groups that they are moving in with, but equally many people will be applying alone as one single student. Many Chancellors Wharf applicants will be students returning from a year spent studying abroad - many degrees at Lancaster require that a year abroad be an additional year (to the standard 3 years at university) - so a lot of these students will be returning to Lancaster with many of their friends having already graduated - so there is still plenty opportunity to meet and make friends with new people.

It is also a huge benefit to have Aldi right over the road - I would love to have such a short walk to the supermarket as a hike up to Bowerham from Aldi with all of my shopping is a task I have to do almost weekly!

Does anyone know any room numbers at Chancelors Wharf that have a canal facing view. Specifically on the 2nd floor in flats with 13 people sharing? It would be nice to able to specify or know canal facing rooms.
Original post by Anonymous #1
Does anyone know any room numbers at Chancelors Wharf that have a canal facing view. Specifically on the 2nd floor in flats with 13 people sharing? It would be nice to able to specify or know canal facing rooms.

Hey Anon,

If these are your preferences, then you're able to put just that on the application form like you have here - you don't need to know specific room numbers! Even if you put a room number, there wouldn't be a guarantee that you'd get it, though from my experience knowing a lot of people living in Chancellor's, the team will always try to accommodate as best as they can. If you keep your preferences broad though (i.e., requesting a canal-facing flat, rather than a specific room number), it makes it a lot easier for them to meet those requests!

It's worth baring in mind as well that a lot of people who live in Chancellor's for one year often stay there another year, and they offer a system where you can keep the same room in the same flat - so it's not always the case that every room is available for new applicants! Just another reason to keep your specifications and requests quite broad so they can try and help as much as possible!

Hope this helps! :smile:

Lancaster Student Ambassador, 3rd Year Psychology BSc
Original post by Lancaster Student Ambassador
Hey Anon,

If these are your preferences, then you're able to put just that on the application form like you have here - you don't need to know specific room numbers! Even if you put a room number, there wouldn't be a guarantee that you'd get it, though from my experience knowing a lot of people living in Chancellor's, the team will always try to accommodate as best as they can. If you keep your preferences broad though (i.e., requesting a canal-facing flat, rather than a specific room number), it makes it a lot easier for them to meet those requests!

It's worth baring in mind as well that a lot of people who live in Chancellor's for one year often stay there another year, and they offer a system where you can keep the same room in the same flat - so it's not always the case that every room is available for new applicants! Just another reason to keep your specifications and requests quite broad so they can try and help as much as possible!

Hope this helps! :smile:

Lancaster Student Ambassador, 3rd Year Psychology BSc

Thanks Millie, really appreciated. I have put my preferences as canal facing with a large flat ( 9-13) students. I have heard that accommodation is a little dated and cold in chancelors but it seems worth it as its more conveniently positioned to aldi and cheaper than luneside and penny Street. I've recieved an offer for CW anyway so hopefully it's a good fit.
Original post by Anonymous #1
Thanks Millie, really appreciated. I have put my preferences as canal facing with a large flat ( 9-13) students. I have heard that accommodation is a little dated and cold in chancelors but it seems worth it as its more conveniently positioned to aldi and cheaper than luneside and penny Street. I've recieved an offer for CW anyway so hopefully it's a good fit.

Chancellor's Wharf accommodation can be cold, but you only really feel it if you're in a flat on the ground floor, as I was in second year. As much as having heaters is not permitted, I had one in both second and third year when I stayed there, because I was not going to subject myself to having to sit at my desk studying in my coat; ensure that should you receive notice that they may be doing room inspections (which are random) that it's out of the way (I hid mine in my wardrobe), and also it's a proper one and not cheap (e.g. mine had a built-in safety feature where it turned itself off after a while if it detected itself getting too hot). If you do decide to purchase a heater, please be careful and only get heaters from reliable retailers such as Argos; don't scrimp and sacrifice your safety and others'.

And in terms of being dated, it really isn't; they were all refurbished a year or two before the pandemic (and in third year I was lucky enough to get the only flat that apparently had its kitchen designed the way ours was). Something to look out for is that in the process of their refurbishment, the addresses changed, so, if you're registering or trying to enter your address online for whatever reason, if you've just entered the postcode, it will come up with out-of-date, incorrect addresses (although, this might have been rectified since; I lived at CW from 2019 to 2021).

And don't get too attached to your room; I wasn't able to get the same room two years in a row (although it was kinda a relief, if not so much in the fact that both times I ended up getting the smallest room in the entire flat despite us all paying the same rent!), but I believe that might be a specific request and you'd probably only be successful if you're putting in for the same room again with others who want to stay in that specific flat (you can make group applications this way for CW) or if there is a group that happens to apply for your flat for the next academic year that just happens to have too few members to take up all the rooms!
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by madkd01
I’ve applied for a room at Chancellor’s Wharf because I feel it’s my best option for next year. The main thing I want is to meet new people to live with without having to move back to campus. So would anyone say Chancellor’s is good for making friends? Or do people generally keep to themselves there? Definitely don’t want to feel lonely every day. My other option is to find a random student house to move in with but that kinda scares me more.

My daughter lived in penny street private halls for third year and shes at Chancellors for fourth year. Theres 4 or 5 people sharing her kitchen and shes gets on well with them, although theres times when they busy with their own course, so she cant see them all of the time. Like anything you get out what you put in, so movie nights, game nights, pub quiz is always a good way to get social.

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