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Thanks, il give it a go.
Reply 801
Hey everyone,

I applied for childrens and adults nursing starting september 2010!! Has anyone heard anything yet? im starting to panic!!! lol


I have applied for adult branch for Sept 2010 too but still no word on whether I have been shortlisted or not....I spoke to admissions and was told letters would be out around end Feb beginning of March...

Good luck:smile:
Reply 802
i have also applied for adult nursing and mental health, i hate the waiting to see if we have interviews. The university of ulster already has their interview dates out.
Reply 803
Hi There,
Has anyone got an interveiw with queens yet?
Any one any idea when there being held?
I got my interveiw for Univerisity of Ulster there last week.
But no word from Queens...:frown:
I've applied for queens aswell to do nursing and i avent heard anything from them yet either.
I have 2 friends who still havent heard anything yet
I dont know of anyone who has heard anything so I wouldnt worry to much =]
Reply 805
Hi - I've applied as well - heard that interview letters would go out at start of March.
Reply 806
Anybody heard from Queens yet? Ive an interview for Coleraine in a fortnite! yikes:o:
Reply 807
Hi, I have also applied to Queens for nursing. Im 32 so its nice to know that there are others my age also appling. Queens are supposed to be giving their letters out about interview dates next week, but not sure if that is true. I have an interview for Coleraine and Magee this week, so fingers crossed!
Reply 808
what day is your interview at Magee?
mine in wed 10th!!:o:
Fellow Nurses in feb intake.. :smile: Cant believe we have 3 weeks done! :O lol

Now that the placements r up does anyone know when we get our uniforms delivered? xo
Reply 810
Has anyone got an interview for Adult Nursing yet?!
Hello everyone applying for nursing this year.... I rung queens last week and they said the letters should arrive over the next two weeks!! They also said that 1600 have applied this year, its a scary process!!!
Reply 812
Yea I rang as told the same thing...really wish they would send them out now....wonder if it will be soon as I get my letter il let everyone know....panic setting in

Good luck everyone
Reply 813

Just e-mailed to ask about interview dates - got this reply.

All applicants should receive further correspondence in the near future. I would advise that presently interviews are scheduled to take place the two weeks prior and the two weeks after Easter.




Really hope the letter comes soon - hate waiting!!!
Reply 814
Hi everyone I have applied for Adult branch, I really hope I find out soon if I have been shortlisted for an interview, getting quite worried now! I am 27 so will be quite old compared to a lot im sure! Fingers crossed
Reply 815
what day is your interview at Magee?
mine in wed 10th!!:o:

Hi mine as yesterday (the 2nd) they say they are interviewing over 1000, for 150 adult nursing places and around 1000 interviews for 50 mental health places!! And that is the one I really really want. the interview was very informal, and I felt pretty confident, so fingers crossed.
Reply 816
Hi Sabsbabs1 thats great you felt confident, fingers crossed for you.

Do you mind me asking what sort of questions did they ask you? Im hoping I get an interview for Queens.
Reply 817
Hi mine as yesterday (the 2nd) they say they are interviewing over 1000, for 150 adult nursing places and around 1000 interviews for 50 mental health places!! And that is the one I really really want. the interview was very informal, and I felt pretty confident, so fingers crossed.

did they say when they would let you know if you were successful or not?
did they ask many questions overall?
was it a man and a woman?
Reply 818
does anybody know how many posts there are at Queens?
Reply 819
I am hoping for an interview for queens also, I am not sure what kinds of questions they will ask. As for the university of ulster questions, they asked 6, and they where mainly based on describing what sort of person you are and why you want to do the course.

During both interviews it was a man and a woman (though a different set).
They dont let you know at the time because they have to interview so many.
They said it will take about 2 weeks to find out if I was successful.