I’m struggling to pick between 2 courses at Glasgow and one at Strathclyde. I want to get into journalism or publishing after uni (maybe even teaching if I decided so), but am extremely stuck on which course/Uni to select.
History/Film and TV - Glasgow
History/English Lit - Glasgow
History, Journalism and Media Comm - Strath
I had always had my heart set on Glasgow, but have heard lots of things recently (specifically due to online teaching after covid this past year) that the uni is very unorganised and isn’t very lenient compared to Strathclyde which is really putting me off.
I specifically want to get into broadcast journalism in the long run, but in terms of what course would be better for me to get where I want to go, mixed with what Uni has the best atmosphere, opportunities and teaching, I’m really struggling to choose.
All help would be appreciated