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Southampton Uni chat thread

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Literally the vilest people I've met in my life, they kept spitting at us and making all these sexist/racist comments. Then to put the icing on the cake they decided to deck Jonny for no reason whatsoever - people like that don't deserve to live on this planet.

And the worse thing is we probably won't catch them cos they fricking flagged a cab down and drove off asap :frown:

It's official - I am NEVER going out to Southampton on a Saturday night ever again, because that's when the scumbags decide to go out and look for fights and all the innocent people end up worse off, ****'s sake.
gash! :yep:
i have 3/5 exams in glen. had 2 already, it's awesome cos i live as close as is possible to. =D
Lol... Come down in your PJs, do the exam, go back to bed :p:
Sorry to hear that JTM and Lozz :erm:
I don't think I've actually been out on a saturday at all so thanks for the heads-up =)
thats so random! hope you guys are alright. thats why we should all carry knives :awesome: (joke, krish is not promoting violence)
but yeah i'm glad most of the student nights are on the weekday, when these ******* are at home in the evenings
Hope you're ok, jonny. :hugs:
Congrats Hemmerz =D
Thanks for your well-wishes guys! PC Hall gave me a bell earlier to see if I was OK, bless. Blates love cops now. Shebz! I see you've finished exams - welcome to the club my man! :cool:
Reply 3308
i will be around, doing a lord of the rings marathon on the 14th, got the extended box set

that sounds intense! the extended editions as well? You'll have to make sure you keep getting up and walking around or you'll get deep vein thrombosis! or bed sores! :eek:

Last exam on tuesday, I'm pleased to say
Quoting yourself is fun!

It sure is! It's really annoying on TSR how in 'my subscribed threads', I can only go to page one, and then have to go to page whatever to follow the thread
It sure is! It's really annoying on TSR how in 'my subscribed threads', I can only go to page one, and then have to go to page whatever to follow the thread

Click on the little green arrow on the left of the title?
Reply 3311
Where are you from?
Honestly, crime here is something you really shouldn't worry about. Being a student, you don't even see it. It happens elsewhere away from the main populated areas. Its not as bad as it has been written in the media or whatever. I have not seen one mugging, one shop being robbed, no violence, no car thefts and no murders.

I'm a Chinese and found terrible BBC articles about yob problems. Southampton is an example. I hope to avoid yob problem when I study here, is it possible? What are the situations of triad activities, robbery on students etc of the main places for us, such as the main campus, the road between the main campus and the main halls, city centre like the 2 shopping malls and other places you can think of? Thank you!
Reply 3312
Lol... Sorry, I don't know the stats of how many people have been robbed in the campus, the roads between, the halls of residence, the city centre AND the shopping mall! Please, stop worrying. There is no need!
Omg Jonny that's terrible... I hope you are ok. Police men are fun, they are very friendly and try to be funny. I hope you're ok also Lozz.... stupid locals!! Big hugggs!!!!!

I passed my lifeguarding course guys :biggrin:

I have an exam in two days I haven't revised for and I went out last night.... in my whole week and a half sober I forgot how horrible hangovers were............ moral of the story, don't spend a week and a half sober.

Yeaah Calli, my last exam tis the 8th too! Sucks sooooo much! Just want to be freeee!!
I'm a Chinese and found terrible BBC articles about yob problems. Southampton is an example. I hope to avoid yob problem when I study here, is it possible? What are the situations of triad activities, robbery on students etc of the main places for us, such as the main campus, the road between the main campus and the main halls, city centre like the 2 shopping malls and other places you can think of? Thank you!

Seriously, please stop worrying about crime here. As a student, we see none of it and are not involved in it. When you get here you'll realise that. As for the triad involvement in Southampton, I don't know. There is a large Chinese population here so there is probably some triad influence but again, us sudents do not see any of it. I think you're reading too many articles written by the media which make crime seem like a bigger issue than it is here. The media obviously are not going to write about the crime that doesn't go on and how Southampton is a lovely place - because it doesn't make them money!
In all my time here, i've heard of one person being mugged. If you're worried about that kind of thing here, You'll never leave your house if you live anywhere else, because other places are much, much worse than here.
Hehe I do find it funny that the discussion is hopping between reassuring a prospective student about crime levels in Southampton and me telling everyone about getting assaulted in Southampton the other night (for the second time this year!) :p:
Hehe I do find it funny that the discussion is hopping between reassuring a prospective student about crime levels in Southampton and me telling everyone about getting assaulted in Southampton the other night (for the second time this year!) :p:

Lol I'm hoping he doesn't notice....
Lol I'm hoping he doesn't notice....

Considering the Chinese students that study abroad are like the most intelligent 1% of Chinese students, I think he may notice.

I think SUSU would be interested in hearing about our new Langsoc president scaring off possible new students. Jonny you bad bad boy.
wannabe mexican
Considering the Chinese students that study abroad are like the most intelligent 1% of Chinese students, I think he may notice.

I think SUSU would be interested in hearing about our new Langsoc president scaring off possible new students. Jonny you bad bad boy.

James! It's not me scaring them off, it's the roughians that frequent Manzils. And to our Chinese friend, if it's any consolation, it's the first time I went to this establishment in what I was butchered by roughians, thus it is nothing to worry about.


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