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Southampton Uni chat thread

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Reply 1620
Haha pisshead! Marcus I think i have that disease you had where I just can't sleep at normal times :frown:
Haha pisshead! Marcus I think i have that disease you had where I just can't sleep at normal times :frown:

Disease? DISEASE?! I'm insulted.
It went away for me after about a week or so, so with any luck you'll be back to normal in no time :smile:
Reply 1622

i love youuuuuuu x

i love youuuuuuu x

this new layout is kinda odd. My life is now complete after finally becoming fully up to date with the 2nd series of gossip girl. :biggrin: If anyone wants to know its good but not as good as the first.
I have changed the colour, my tsr is now purple!

On the main page, where it says welcome to tsr with a picture of three people, the one in the middle looks a bit like Shebz!
Reply 1626
Glendz, I LOVE Gossip Girl. Woooo

Mine is also a pinky purple! That is the only good thing about this stupid new thingy bob
Reply 1627
p.s ahahahahahahah, no it doesn't!
p.p.s how are you today a minha amiga?
Reply 1628
those p.s' were directed at hemface btw!
Reply 1629
I have changed the colour, my tsr is now purple!

On the main page, where it says welcome to tsr with a picture of three people, the one in the middle looks a bit like Shebz!

It's not me :ninja:

I lost my wallet ....again. Left it in the taxi =(

fortunately the taxi driver handed it to someone walking past to hartley grove and I got it back again, but my student ID was gone :frown:

Just spend most of today getting a replacement, I now hate the queue in the student services building with a passion.
I can sympathise Sheb, i've had to get a replacement ID too. Only thing was, two days after i got my replacement, my original decided to turn up :|

On a TSR related note, i've gone for the subtle green tone.
I had to go to unilink and get my ID back once because I tried to lend it to someone and the nasty bus driver confiscated it. Bastard!

Chlopot I am ok, I have decided what to do. Ish. :biggrin: Danke for your helpy.
Reply 1632
Does anyone know owt about connaught gym?
heard its a piece of **** but never been :smile:
Yeah tis just a room, two treadmills, a rowing machine, some weights and two cross trainers.

Not much there really, it's been really empty every time I have gone.
My lecturer didn't turn up today and didn't email or anything. What a waste of time that was.
Reply 1636
I went a la gym! it wasn't bad at all, for a lardarse like myself! vair pleased and happy i saw connaught, it looks like auschwitz
hahahaha like aushchwitz!! wow you monte people really hate connaught!
Reply 1638
Some Connaught people came round to Monte the day the snow was there so there was a massive snow fight going on. Managed to cane some guy in the face with a snowball. He stuck his hands up to try and stop it hitting him but it was too late.

Went to the talking head tonight to meet up with someone I knew from S.A.. There was live music and stuff on which was pretty good. If anyone's in to Incubus/RATM, look up 'The Hit Ups'. Very good local band.
Anyone else going to the Foam Party tonight?

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