The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Just do it through the medium of dance and they'll love you forever :biggrin:
Reply 2
It's obviously your presentation skills they're looking for, rather than the actual content.
Reply 3
Can you do any magic tricks?

Oh, I know, talk about how they're all an illusion because it's all in your head and none of them really exist because you made them up. That should creep them out- my old maths teacher used to do it to us.
Just do it on something you can talk passionately about for 2 minutes, a hobby or something.
mmm just gona keep it simple and talk abt a charity i helped create and was invited to downing street for! suggestions of magic tricks etc wud go down too well!!
Reply 6
When you learnt to ride a bicycle! With good descriptive language, you can have the audience tranced, finish it with a dramatic finish! (crashed into a tree, broke your knee :smile: )
iv prepared a speech abt charity work bt it sounds like a standard competency based interview answer, when in fact this presentation will be in front of the whole group/ac antendees as well as hr ppl.
Why don't you do something which is of great interest to you? . . .ie hobby . .

When I had this same sorta thing at college many moons ago, I did my presentation on Dancing, as that means a lot to me, ie hobby since I was 4 years old.
I found doing this, I was comfortable talking to my audience and I knew what I was talking about. I also bought in my Pointe shoes as a visaul aid as the people in my class had never seen a pair of Pointe shoes, really did get the class gripped on what I was talking about.

That is what I would do OP :smile:

Good Luck
Reply 9
Does two minutes seem incrediably short to anyone else?
Reply 10
hey I need help on a two minute presentation on geography
can I see your slide
Reply 12
Pick a funny/insignificant subject and make it sound really serious. It'll make you look a lot better than doing some boring business case study.
2 minutes is an incredibly short time, if you speak at a comfortable pace.

I agree with a 'silly' subject done absolutely seriously rather than boring them senseless with a business case study.

German sausages for example.

Last similar thing i did was years ago, and it was 2 (or 3?) minutes too. Topics were allocated. I got French Chateau. Someone else got German Sausages. I crammed literally a wiki's worth of info into my talk and rattled on like a machine-gun. He took the piss, deadpan. We both met whatever criteria they were looking for - but his is the one we look back on occasionally, 6 years later, and giggle at. Most of them are long forgotten.
(edited 8 years ago)
Guys this post is 8 years old. Be like Elsa and LET IT GO!
Damn, who digs this **** up? :smile:
2 minute English talk on anything I have no clue whatsoever on a subject help !!!!!😀
Original post by john williams

I havent a clue what to talk about, shud i mention a business case study, something about myself etc??

I mean, they've said you can talk about anything so both of these would be fine...

I would pick a topic that you know a fair bit about that other's probably wouldn't to keep it interesting.