The Student Room Group

RAF ICT Specialist - All Questions Answered!

Hi all,

If anyone is interested is becoming an ICT Specialist in RAF, then please do not hesitate in getting in contact with me with any questions that you may have. I have six years service in the RAF and have currently served in England, The Falkland Islands and Saudi Arabia.

I have been a ICT Specialist for 5 years, and have worked on things ranging from the valve electronics at RAF Spadeadam all the way upto the ultra modern computer systems at my current unit.

If anyone on these forums would like any questions answered about the trade then feel free to reply and i will do my best to answer.

Oliver Gerrard

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Reply 1
Any idea when trade training will start for ACs passing out at the beginning of December?
Reply 2

Thanks for your question! Passing out of Halton in early December give you two options.

Option one: You stay at Halton and get placed on TDF (Training and Development Flight or Tea Drinking Flight as its more commonly known) until the next ICT course become available, likely to be very early Jan.

Option 2: You will go direct to DCAE Cosford and begin training immediately - Its important to note that DCAE Cosford has block leave for students over the Christmas and New Year period.

I should imagine that rather than give you two weeks worth of lessons then disrupt you for three over Chrismas DCAE Cosford will defer your course until January - so option 1 it is then!

Have fun at Halton, i still speak to people to this day that i met there, had the time of my life!

Reply 3
Hi I'm interested in joining up as this trade after my A levels and was wondering if ypu could give me a greater insight into the job roles and life as an ICT specialist in the RAF.
Reply 4
I only have two gces (equivalent) in english and maths at grade C. Could i still join as an ICT specialist. ICT is my passion. I have had many years experience configuring and administering unix servers etc but nothing on paper :frown:

What are the chances of me joining as an ICT specialist or am i going to have to go and get that extra GCSE which is required?
Reply 5
i am currently undergoing the selection phase of my RAF Experience

i have applied,
passed the aptitude test,

now i am taking my specialist interview on 19th january,
with a trip up to raf leeming on 21st for a taster day.

il keep everyone updated on the process as it might unearth some wisdom and provide really useful intel for someone!

im really excited about beginning my career in the royal air force, except for one thing.

i cant swim :eek:

can i fail basic for not being able to swim?

also i only have 5 gcse's, of which maths and science are not any of the 5, but i still got through.

i have been working for a web design company for 3 years and have valuable references, they do recognise experience and excellency, so go for it meads!

the answer can only be yes or no!:smile:
Reply 6
What are the chances of me joining as an ICT specialist or am i going to have to go and get that extra GCSE which is required?

Theres no harm in trying, whats the worst they could say? 'no' ?

And if they do say that, you might have to do other (still IT related) training before you do that trade.

*nix would probably be out of the picture though!
Reply 7
Im going in as Ict specialist got PRTC on 29th January and really looking forward to it, did you have to wait long before you got deployed to other countries?
Reply 8
I did apply over december and have heard nothing what so ever yet... :frown:
Reply 9
Hey, I wouldn't worry too much about your GCSE long as you ace your aptitude tests I think you can still apply for ICT specialist. Just make sure you do well on electrical and mechanical sections!

Good luck! :smile:
Reply 10
Does anybody here have any experience with TCW(Tactical Comms Wing) because this is the branch I am most interested in.
TCW, or 90SU as they are now called, are not a 'branch'. They are certainly a specialist Formed Unit or ACSSU that is made up largely from the Comms Trades with CE Officers in command. They are now based at RAF Leeming. What do you want to know about them? They do deploy a lot and people either love it or hate it.
Reply 12
I know about them because when they were at RAF Brize Norton my dad was posted with them, I also know an ex cpl who left TCW about a year ago, however I just thought it seemed an interesting place to be because you are in greens all of the time and like ProStacker said they deploy a lot.
90SU (name for the whole Unit, while TCW is used to refer to the 5 Field Squadrons) is tasked with almost everything to do with deployable communications, in effect accounting for a large number of jobs available to RAF's version of the spotty nerd.

This means there are several different trades and specialities working together under different 'headings'. My advice, if you are wanting to find out more and want to know where to start, is to search around for the titles of the different Field Squadrons and also how they 'work' (sounds a bit vague but you'll understand when look into it).
Reply 14
What do you mean RAF's version of the spotty nerd? I'm sure you wouldn't say that to their faces.
I would, have and will continue to do so. They are our deployable g33ks - they know it, we know it.

We call it banter.
hey guys

not been on here for aaaaages!

i'm 9 months in to my ICT training at Cosford so if anybody has any questions about that side of it i'd be happy to get back to you :smile:
Reply 17
hey guys

not been on here for aaaaages!

i'm 9 months in to my ICT training at Cosford so if anybody has any questions about that side of it i'd be happy to get back to you :smile:

Im very seriously considering joining up as an ICT Specialist so please can you give me an overview of what is covered in Trade training at Cosford, what the diversity of jobs after Cosford is and any of your own personal thoughts and experiences on the lifestyle.
ok, the training at the minute is split into four phases.

Phase 1 covers the "physicsy" side, that is maths, radar, radio, maintenance practices, skill of hand (soldering and making cables), basic IT and touch typing. you are assessed at the end of each module and it lasts roughly 6 months. you also might have to do guard and get to go on an adventure training course and revise the radio skills you learnt at Halton.

Phase 2 is the computer side. you study computer fundamentals, server2k3, networking (Cisco), mail server, data comms, LDCN, secure comms, helpdesk and information assurance.

Phases 3 and 4 are consolidation exercises

(i may have missed out a few modules but they're not biggies if i have)

you're basically working towards an advanced apprenticeship in communications engineering which you complete once you leave and get to your first post so there's a bit of homework to be done. the atmosphere is pretty cool though. its still a school so obviously there'll be times when it can get a bit boring but the instructors are sound and the guys your with will make it more than enjoyable.

in terms of jobs afterwards... where do i start? it all depends upon where you get posted really. you could get TCW (Tactical communications wing), you might get a radar/ground radio posting pretty much with the new trade group it means you could be doing anything from working with eurofighters to working on a helpdesk but i reckon Jesmond will be able to give you a better insight into the actual job side of it.

hope that helps :wink:
Reply 19
Thanks Nearly there you have given me a great amount of information which I am sure to find helpful when considering my application, Il be sure to ask you again If I have any more questions. :>