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Reply 1
Crap, thats a sticky nd tricky situation...i fink im in da same pickle as you actually :eek: Ermm best fing to do first, is to email the admissions teams for your selected Uni's and ask them whether you would need them when enrolling init. Thats your first point of call. :biggrin:

But in the long run i guess its better to order new copies, jus for other formal occasions, and for your own personal record xD

Hope that helps, but if anyone else has got any ideas, shoot, im all ears as well.
Reply 2
I didn't need mine, and still haven't got any.
Reply 3
I didn't need mine, and still haven't got any.

Still? As in you NEVER received any EVER!?? Thats abit fishy..what about your mates from your school, did nobody get theirs?
I'm in the same situation too!! but if univeristies did want them, they'll tell you that after you apply or after they give you an offer. They may ask you for photocopies or to bring the orignals on your enrollment day.
Reply 5
Still? As in you NEVER received any EVER!?? Thats abit fishy..what about your mates from your school, did nobody get theirs?

yeah everyone got theirs, but I never did receive them (and I think it's like £35 to have them replaced). pretty weird.
I never had to show my university anything - not even my a-level certs.
Probably worth getting them out of caution and in case any employers ask you in future.
Reply 7
Crap, thats a sticky nd tricky situation...i fink im in da same pickle as you actually :eek: Ermm best fing to do first, is to email the admissions teams for your selected Uni's and ask them whether you would need them when enrolling init. Thats your first point of call. :biggrin:

But in the long run i guess its better to order new copies, jus for other formal occasions, and for your own personal record xD

Hope that helps, but if anyone else has got any ideas, shoot, im all ears as well.

Please try to type like a human instead of a partially-sedated cat.

Reply 8
You can get copies i think, but you have to pay for them. You won't need them yet anyway though probably - my uni only asked for proof a couple of weeks before the start of term - and i only sent photocopies of the results statements (not certificates), which is what most people did I think, and the uni never queried it.

You might need them later on in life though i suppose :s-smilie:, but for uni i wouldnt worry tooo much, as long as you can prove them somehow.
Reply 9
I lost mine aswell, found out I would have had to pay around £100 just for new copies :O
Searched the house for weeks and eventually found them in a free topshop bag lol
I wasnt even given any certificates just my exam slips, why?
I've lost my GCSE certificates (:frown:) and was wondering if I'd need them for applying to Universities. Would you recommend I get them again on the off chance? I think you can only get the statement back, not the original certificates (which is as good as, right?).

I needed my original certificates to matriculate, however I think that might just be a Cambridge thing. You shouldn't need them for applying to universities, but it's probably a good idea to try and get replacements if possible.
Reply 12
Please try to type like a human instead of a partially-sedated cat.


Hmm, i apologise, i wasn't aware that formalising my language to give the impression i'm a model student was a rule of TSR. In the future i shall make better attempts to stick to language of this calibre.

Deary me that was hard...gosh whats the big deal anyway? Nd besides, i doubt a partially sedated cat could type xD

PS. At least you said thanks hehe
I needed them at my Manchester interview, but apart from that no I've never needed them.
Reply 14
yeah everyone got theirs, but I never did receive them (and I think it's like £35 to have them replaced). pretty weird.

If you never received them, then i cant be called replacing and so it should be free. But i know the people will get stingy and refuse to believe you didn't get them and try to scam you out of your money lol.

Damn thats strange. :shifty:
Reply 15
Thanks for the replies everyone.

im in a coma, franpgb:
Thanks for the advice.

Yes, I know you have to pay for them, but I also never photocopied them :|


Reply 16
My school never gave me mine! I am going to go bother them about it...

I've lost my GCSE certificates (:frown:) and was wondering if I'd need them for applying to Universities. Would you recommend I get them again on the off chance? I think you can only get the statement back, not the original certificates (which is as good as, right?).

All advice appreciated.



Hi Jay
From what i have experience in the past with some Universities they do ask to see Your GCSE Certificates or Result slips or proof of your grades yes.Can you not get a statement from the concerned exam board to prove to the potential universities you have applied to what GCSEs you did obtained??:biggrin:
Reply 18
Please try to type like a human instead of a partially-sedated cat.


Poor banter. A partially sedated cat?

Step it up please...
Reply 19
Poor banter. A partially sedated cat?

Step it up please...

I second that :cool: criticise like u mean it!! :biggrin: