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at £8 an hour i'd take it!

depends on what the hours are like, and only as a short term thing, but yeah!
Reply 2
He does it in the evening (4.30-6.30) 3 evenings a week and also does Sport magazine every Friday mornings (7AM-10AM)

So that's 9 hours a week and he makes something like £70 but he HATES his job because it's boring and crap. A very low job but it's better than nothing right?
Reply 3
I wouldn't enjoy the constant rejection, but would do it.
I wouldn't enjoy the constant rejection, but would do it.


And I'd hate it when it rained!
Reply 5
I always feel sorry for the Metro handers out around Leicester :p:

Its not a great job but its something. I'd wrap up warm though :teeth:
Reply 6
£8 an hour? For that?

When do I start?
I can think of worse jobs.
Reply 8
id do it, ive done worse for much less!
How did he get the job? (I want it I want it I want it!)
Reply 10
seriously you do NOT want that job. It's BORING and you have to stand for your entire shift (no breaks) and they check up on you.

You can choose which days you want to work. Just call them up on the day and tell them you are available and you choose a station (out of what they have available) to go and do your "job" so if it's raining and you don't want to do it then you dont have to (but it's your loss because the more you work, the more you get paid)

Still I think it's better than working at Mcdonalds for £4.80 per hour.
its not that much of a big deal really, for someone under 18 its abit of xtra money per week and standing around selling papers isnt anywhere near as bad as work some ppl have to do. plus its a temporary job, u make it sound like a full time career.
Reply 12
How many of you would actually do that job? I know it's a temporary thing but there's also pride and dignity involved. Imagine your amily/friends see you doing that.

Would you rather hand out newspapers or have no job?
errr well for a young person delivering newspapers is a good start, at the age of 18 and below your not gona be offered many jobs like senior economist for goldman sachs etc and its as boring as retail/cashier jobs, but gives u 70p/w which is actually more than a fully grown adult gets on job seekers allowance.

so yes at tht age most ppl wud rather hand out newspapers.

edit..yes it wud be embarrasing if ur fam saw u do that...if u were the queens son or something.
Reply 14
Who gives a toss is people see you doing it? Do you really judge people who give out newspapers that severely?

I'm hardly going to stop being friends with someone, nor judge them, because they hand out newspapers. It's free money, basically.

What are you going to do in those two precious hours of your evening you're giving up? Post on TSR?

Sooner that than no job.
Reply 15
Yeah you make a valid point there but surely you would rather stack shelves at Tesco than hand out newspapers right? At least there's no cleaning to do or anything dirty like that.
at £8 an hour i'd take it!

Me too :yep:.
Big Kabz
He does it in the evening (4.30-6.30) 3 evenings a week and also does Sport magazine every Friday mornings (7AM-10AM)

So that's 9 hours a week and he makes something like £70 but he HATES his job because it's boring and crap. A very low job but it's better than nothing right?

Does it pay by cash? Did he has to pay tax for that earning? ... just curious :p:
Yeah I would, in fact, how do I go about applying? Having two jobs never hurt anyone. Might just ask one of them when I next see them handing out.
Hi there I'm interested to do this job