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BBB is the common offer for the 4/5 year course.
Reply 2
Yes, but the lowness of the standard offer means it receives lots of applicants.
Reply 3
You mean that I could just be rejected outright, despite how low it is?
Reply 4
Well yes, the fact that you have very good grades makes it unlikely - but yes even if you exceed the entrance requirements you will not be guaranteed an offer. Also all Scottish unis have a Scottish bias in terms of accepting applicants (not my assumptions, it's on the websites etc.)
I'm afraid that with those GCSE's they might not give you an offer at all. I visited Edinburgh with some friends who want to study English a few weeks ago. Because it's such a competitive course, they want at least 6 A*s at GCSE level and (I think, though not as certain) that they really wanted 3 As at A-Level.
Reply 6
I'm afraid that with those GCSE's they might not give you an offer at all. I visited Edinburgh with some friends who want to study English a few weeks ago. Because it's such a competitive course, they want at least 6 A*s at GCSE level and (I think, though not as certain) that they really wanted 3 As at A-Level.

They actually said that ? Wow, Edinburgh are the new GCSE 'Nazis" -
Reply 7
Ahhh crap, it's actually quite useful cause I've been wanting to get rid of it.
Reply 8
Edinburgh fools people with its low offers, but it's actually very difficult to get into. If I remember correctly, there were 25 applicants per place last year.
I'm afraid that with those GCSE's they might not give you an offer at all. I visited Edinburgh with some friends who want to study English a few weeks ago. Because it's such a competitive course, they want at least 6 A*s at GCSE level and (I think, though not as certain) that they really wanted 3 As at A-Level.

I received an offer with 0 A* and ABU at AS Level :rolleyes:
I received an offer with 0 A* and ABU at AS Level :rolleyes:

What subject? That's what we were told by the admissions tutor for English - purely, I think, because it's such a competitive course. I know for Geology (i.e. the subject I'm interested in) it's most definitely not the case.

Might still be worth a try though, especially if you write an amazing personal statement.
What subject? That's what we were told by the admissions tutor for English - purely, I think, because it's such a competitive course. I know for Geology (i.e. the subject I'm interested in) it's most definitely not the case.

Physics; I know nothing of other subjects, so perhaps it is true for english!
Humanities at Edinburgh are far more competitive than sciences. The BBB offer for example is standard for engineering but I know someone who just made the cut for history with AABB at higher (roughly AAB at A-level). However, with your grades you'll almost certainly get an offer (no idea of the standard though).
Reply 13
Dang it, i've applied for Classical Studies at Edinburgh! If all the things you have said are true, i dont think i have a hope in hell :frown: and i've already been fretting over my other unis too!
Reply 14
anyone have an idea of popular architecture/ physics get? im aiming for ABB-AAB this year, wondering if it is worth it.
Reply 15
Yeah they do give out those offers, but they are really picky to start with. This means that it's usually top candidates who receive offers in the first place, who are basically given the chance to slip some grades to BBB but are still let in. Someone scraping BBB is less favoured.
Reply 16
AABB at higher (roughly AAB at A-level).

I'm sure that's not true.
If it is, A-levels are more of a joke than I thought.
Reply 17
I'm afraid that with those GCSE's they might not give you an offer at all. I visited Edinburgh with some friends who want to study English a few weeks ago. Because it's such a competitive course, they want at least 6 A*s at GCSE level and (I think, though not as certain) that they really wanted 3 As at A-Level.

That's ********. I know a lot of people who have gone to Edinburgh with crap GCSEs but good AS/A2 results.

Edinburgh's weird... last year they rejected my best friend for French, who has like 9A*s, all As at AS/A2 and AEA French, they also rejected a girl for English Lit. who went on to get 600/600 in her English Lit. A2. A lot of great candidates were rejected, but a lot of people who weren't likely got in.

It's not meeting the offer that's difficult, it's getting an offer in the first place!
Reply 18
Physics; I know nothing of other subjects, so perhaps it is true for english!

Looking at the entrace statistics for physics, they give an offer to pretty much everyone who applies. Was something like 260 applied and 256 got an offer.
Yes indeed they do give out BBB offers - but god knows what their criteria are because as pointed out here, it often seems to have little to do with grades - seems to be a bit subjective - it they take a shine to you, or you have nice breasts, you're in :p: