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Plagiarism Percentage

What percentage is considered high in an open book exam?

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Reply 1
I havent received my result for the exam but I received an email saying it has been referred to Academic Conduct Office as the plagiarism percentage was high - but we cant see it when we submit and no one has contacted me yet.. I dont know what to expect ☹️
Original post by Just me 8
I havent received my result for the exam but I received an email saying it has been referred to Academic Conduct Office as the plagiarism percentage was high - but we cant see it when we submit and no one has contacted me yet.. I dont know what to expect ☹️

Hi @Just me 8

Your submission links on the module page that were part of the assessment, should include 2 links: 1 final Turnitin link and 1 draft link. The draft link is where you submit your assessment piece and you will get your plagiarism score back pretty quick. This is how you can check you score before you submit the final piece. You should be able to have multiple chances to resubmit under the draft link so you can make amendments if your score is high.

In your case, your work will be reviewed by the ACO to see where the plagiarism is. Sometimes it may be the case that you have included lots of references and Turnitin has highlighted all of them. However it is down to your module team who mark your piece to pass it onto ACO if they feel too much of the main text is highlighted as plagiarised. They should come back to you soon with their verdict. If there is large parts of your work that have been plagiarised, they could award that piece with zero and you may have a chance to resit the piece next semester. However I am not sure on the more serious consequence outcomes. Maybe contact your module leader and ask for advice. ACO will contact you in due course with their report so unfortunately its a case of waiting for the results now.

Try not to stress to much yet. If you need any more support, let us know! :smile:

Coventry University - Coventry
Biomedical Science student
Reply 3
Original post by Coventry University Student Ambassadors
Hi @Just me 8

Your submission links on the module page that were part of the assessment, should include 2 links: 1 final Turnitin link and 1 draft link. The draft link is where you submit your assessment piece and you will get your plagiarism score back pretty quick. This is how you can check you score before you submit the final piece. You should be able to have multiple chances to resubmit under the draft link so you can make amendments if your score is high.

In your case, your work will be reviewed by the ACO to see where the plagiarism is. Sometimes it may be the case that you have included lots of references and Turnitin has highlighted all of them. However it is down to your module team who mark your piece to pass it onto ACO if they feel too much of the main text is highlighted as plagiarised. They should come back to you soon with their verdict. If there is large parts of your work that have been plagiarised, they could award that piece with zero and you may have a chance to resit the piece next semester. However I am not sure on the more serious consequence outcomes. Maybe contact your module leader and ask for advice. ACO will contact you in due course with their report so unfortunately its a case of waiting for the results now.

Try not to stress to much yet. If you need any more support, let us know! :smile:

Coventry University - Coventry
Biomedical Science student

Thanks Amy,

As it was an exam we couldn’t see the percentage like we do with CW and they are still telling me to wait to be contacted by ACO - Im not worried as Im confident that I did anything intentional, as it was online 4 hours and maybe missed to check a reference for a sentence or two, surely nothing that should be referred to ACO about.

I am hoping that they finally say there is no case and they release my results - its crucial I get them ASAP as I have to submit for financial aid or I might not make it to my last year.
Reply 4
I didn’t do anything intentional** like copy paste 🙃
It’s not a plagiarism percentage it’s a similarity score.

The turnitin number is a flag when your submission has a computationally perceived similarity where an academic can check it more closely.

This is important as it’s possible to have a very low score and plagiarise, or a very high score and the submission be perfectly fine.

The best thing to do is do the submission correctly and it will be fine regardless of score.
Reply 6
It’s not a plagiarism percentage it’s a similarity score.

The turnitin number is a flag when your submission has a computationally perceived similarity where an academic can check it more closely.

This is important as it’s possible to have a very low score and plagiarise, or a very high score and the submission be perfectly fine.

The best thing to do is do the submission correctly and it will be fine regardless of score.

Thanks Mnot,

I understand all of this but the feedback on my exam was that “The plagiarism percentage was high” - again, it was an exam so we couldn’t see our similarity report upon submission.

Just hoping for the best at this point - its been three weeks of following up on my results and they keep taking me back to square one.

Trying to stay positive that it will get resolved this week 🙏🏻
Original post by Just me 8
Thanks Mnot,

I understand all of this but the feedback on my exam was that “The plagiarism percentage was high” - again, it was an exam so we couldn’t see our similarity report upon submission.

Just hoping for the best at this point - its been three weeks of following up on my results and they keep taking me back to square one.

Trying to stay positive that it will get resolved this week 🙏🏻

On the assumption you made a fair attempt and it’s just high, then I wouldn’t worry.

IF you get called into another meeting then id explain what you did and offer an honest account of your submission. You can also speak to your SU if you want someone else in your corner. (You could also discuss this with your tutor).

But as I say that’s IF you get called up for academic misconduct.

I can understand your frustration but hopefully they can get resolved soon.
My personal point of view is as follows: No single set of rules, or even a universal definition, exists for what constitutes an "open book exam." It's possible that your instructor has determined that some resources are acceptable and others are not, depending on your situation. The rules established by your instructor for your specific course must be adhered to at all times. The term "cheating" refers to "any violation of the rules announced by your instructor."

Student Ambassador, FAH
Coventry University
Original post by Coventry University Student Ambassadors
My personal point of view is as follows: No single set of rules, or even a universal definition, exists for what constitutes an "open book exam." It's possible that your instructor has determined that some resources are acceptable and others are not, depending on your situation. The rules established by your instructor for your specific course must be adhered to at all times. The term "cheating" refers to "any violation of the rules announced by your instructor."

Student Ambassador, FAH
Coventry University

Every university has a set of academic regulations or policies & academic misconduct will be outlined in their.
Original post by Just me 8
Thanks Amy,

As it was an exam we couldn’t see the percentage like we do with CW and they are still telling me to wait to be contacted by ACO - Im not worried as Im confident that I did anything intentional, as it was online 4 hours and maybe missed to check a reference for a sentence or two, surely nothing that should be referred to ACO about.

I am hoping that they finally say there is no case and they release my results - its crucial I get them ASAP as I have to submit for financial aid or I might not make it to my last year.

Hi @Just me 8

I see, yes Turnitin can be quite sensitive to random sections that it classes as plagiarised but you may have just written it in the same style as something else, as you say unintentionally. It may also be the case that because it was an exam, the plagiarism scores to pass onto ACO may be lower because you had less time to write the piece and was meant to be 'in your own words'- if that makes sense? I hope there isn't a case too for you and I hope they release it soon! Its a very busy time of year as there are lots of submissions during this semester but if you are worried, always speak to your course director or head of school :smile:

Best wishes,

Coventry University - Coventry
Biomedical Science student
Thank you so much for these recommendations! Plagiarism is a constant problem in academia, in all written work, and as a student who writes a lot of research and articles, I can say that sometimes plagiarism can creep into your text randomly. You need to be careful and use the grammar and plagiarism checker. On the site I found one of these plagiarism checkers, which allows me to avoid or minimize plagiarism now.
(edited 3 years ago)
Reply 12
I have a similar situation just like the poster,the lecturer said ACO will contact me ,as am yet to see my result or get a message from ACO it's close to a month now.
Have not been myself as its really affecting me mentally.
Any possible advise on how best to approach this will be appreciated.

I have a similar situation just like the poster,the lecturer said ACO will contact me ,as am yet to see my result or get a message from ACO it's close to a month now.
Have not been myself as its really affecting me mentally.
Any possible advise on how best to approach this will be appreciated.


Hi @Ozmu,

Thank you for your message.

I'm sorry you're experiencing difficulty and not been feeling like yourself. Have you thought about speaking to the university counselor or calling a mental health Healthline and speaking to someone to discuss your thoughts and feelings? This may help to ease the stress and challenges you're going through at the moment. It can be difficult going through it alone. Even if it's consoling a friend or peer, I strongly advise not dealing with this alone.

Have you heard back from the lecturer?

Please let me know how you're getting on and how else I can help you.

Student Ambassador
I have a similar situation just like the poster,the lecturer said ACO will contact me ,as am yet to see my result or get a message from ACO it's close to a month now.
Have not been myself as its really affecting me mentally.
Any possible advise on how best to approach this will be appreciated.

I have similar situation i did submit my proposal once and i got 28% similarity.
ACO contact me and they mark my proposal zero.
I submitted the proposal again and I submitted all the dissertation.
I got 30% similarity after my due date.
Why i am not able to check the similarity results after 30 minutes of submission?
I that a trick or anything that i am not allow to see immediately after submission.
They haven’t provide any demo or extra link for plagiarism check.
Original post by Khanh87
I have a similar situation just like the poster,the lecturer said ACO will contact me ,as am yet to see my result or get a message from ACO it's close to a month now.
Have not been myself as its really affecting me mentally.
Any possible advise on how best to approach this will be appreciated.

I have similar situation i did submit my proposal once and i got 28% similarity.
ACO contact me and they mark my proposal zero.
I submitted the proposal again and I submitted all the dissertation.
I got 30% similarity after my due date.
Why i am not able to check the similarity results after 30 minutes of submission?
I that a trick or anything that i am not allow to see immediately after submission.
They haven’t provide any demo or extra link for plagiarism check.

Hello @Khanh87

I hope you're well. I am sorry to hear about this situation. Please contact a member of your academic team for further assistance with this as unfortunately, we cannot assist you with this. Please note similarity scores come back at a later time, with repeated submissions so that may be why.

Many thanks,
Jade :smile:
Cov Uni Student Ambassador
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Just me 8
I havent received my result for the exam but I received an email saying it has been referred to Academic Conduct Office as the plagiarism percentage was high - but we cant see it when we submit and no one has contacted me yet.. I dont know what to expect ☹️

did you attend meeting with ACO? What type of questions they asked in this case? Please guide me
Original post by Just me 8
I havent received my result for the exam but I received an email saying it has been referred to Academic Conduct Office as the plagiarism percentage was high - but we cant see it when we submit and no one has contacted me yet.. I dont know what to expect ☹️

Hi. Can you please explain what type of questions ACO asked in meeting in this case? Please guide me.
Original post by St Coventry
did you attend meeting with ACO? What type of questions they asked in this case? Please guide me

they ask that why you copy and paste that’s not acceptable and then they mark my proposal zero .
i put the reference in references section but they are very tight in this case they mark my proposal

Original post by Coventry University Student Ambassadors
Hi @Just me 8

Your submission links on the module page that were part of the assessment, should include 2 links: 1 final Turnitin link and 1 draft link. The draft link is where you submit your assessment piece and you will get your plagiarism score back pretty quick. This is how you can check you score before you submit the final piece. You should be able to have multiple chances to resubmit under the draft link so you can make amendments if your score is high.

In your case, your work will be reviewed by the ACO to see where the plagiarism is. Sometimes it may be the case that you have included lots of references and Turnitin has highlighted all of them. However it is down to your module team who mark your piece to pass it onto ACO if they feel too much of the main text is highlighted as plagiarised. They should come back to you soon with their verdict. If there is large parts of your work that have been plagiarised, they could award that piece with zero and you may have a chance to resit the piece next semester. However I am not sure on the more serious consequence outcomes. Maybe contact your module leader and ask for advice. ACO will contact you in due course with their report so unfortunately its a case of waiting for the results now.

Try not to stress to much yet. If you need any more support, let us know! :smile:

Coventry University - Coventry
Biomedical Science student

I did submit my proposal and dissertation after i resit before submitting i send my proposal to supervisor they said that its alright and you can upload it.
After i start work on it I submitted thesis after my viva they mark me fail what else can i do next please guide me I don’t have any other chance to resit it
Reply 19
I have a similar situation just like the poster,the lecturer said ACO will contact me ,as am yet to see my result or get a message from ACO it's close to a month now.
Have not been myself as its really affecting me mentally.
Any possible advise on how best to approach this will be appreciated.

I have similar issues about my 1st resit. Just sent ACO about my assignments as a suspect of misconduct. But still now I don't get any mail from them. Can you please guide me what can I do now? How can I contact ACO about my issue? I mailed my module Leader 2 times but he doesn't reply me even though it's a week now. I am clueless.

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