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QMUL chat!

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Hey, WHAT has been happening since I scidaddled off for a short while?

I gained an entire army of stalkers :wink:
Reply 2201
Hey, WHAT has been happening since I scidaddled off for a short while?

Democracy hunt! And as a result we have revealed to TSR that were a bunch of stalkers. :p:

How are you anyway?
I gained an entire army of stalkers :wink:


I resent that term; we're not stalkers!
:huff: I missed the boat there! Lol.

By the tiniest margin. You never know, I may have a pole dancing relapse.:ninja:
Reply 2204
By the tiniest margin. You never know, I may have a pole dancing relapse.:ninja:

Lol, oooh I hope so! :teeth: :p:
Lol, oooh I hope so! :teeth: :p:

Lol, I used to be a wild child, now I'm an oldie.:frown:
Reply 2206
I gained an entire army of stalkers :wink:

I have joined the army. Although I forgot wjhat you look like now. I wanna jon the hunt. :yep:
Reply 2207
Democracy hunt! And as a result we have revealed to TSR that were a bunch of stalkers. :p:

How are you anyway?

I am all dandy thanks really motivated to find this Democracy guy
Reply 2208
Lol, I used to be a wild child, now I'm an oldie.:frown:

Lol aww, your only 19 that's little, plenty of time to revert back to the wild days. Just wait till you hit 21 everything goes downhill from there! :p: I turn 21 in 2 months :eek: I want a walking stick/ old people scooter for my birthday! That or a balloon filled with helium, as I want to make my voice all high pitched :biggrin: gosh I'm so easily pleased..
Reply 2209
I am all dandy thanks really motivated to find this Democracy guy

Me too, he knows what I look like. So it's only fair to find out what he looks like! :yep:
Lol aww, your only 19 that's little, plenty of time to revert back to the wild days. Just wait till you hit 21 everything goes downhill from there! :p: I turn 21 in 2 months :eek: I want a walking stick/ old people scooter for my birthday! That or a balloon filled with helium, as I want to make my voice all high pitched :biggrin: gosh I'm so easily pleased..

Lol, meh, nuh uh. When I turn twenty that's it for me. I've set myself deadlines.:eek:
Reply 2211
Lol, meh, nuh uh. When I turn twenty that's it for me. I've set myself deadlines.:eek:

Lol, why not make the deadline when you turn 21! Do you have other deadlines too? :p:
Lol, why not make the deadline when you turn 21! Do you have other deadlines too? :p:

Lol, I have a list.:yep:
Reply 2213
Lol, I have a list.:yep:

Lol, you're organised! I don't even know what I'm going to do tomorrow let alone years in advance! :o:
Lol, you're organised! I don't even know what I'm going to do tomorrow let alone years in advance! :o:

I get all funny if I don't have a plan!
Reply 2215
Me too, he knows what I look like. So it's only fair to find out what he looks like! :yep:

How has everyone managed to see you but me :s-smilie:? What do you look like Nitzy? :p:
Reply 2216
I get all funny if I don't have a plan!

Lol, I know. You plan what you wear! :p:

I actually did have one plan though; move out when I turned 18, I'm now approaching 21 so much for that plan! :shifty:
Lol, I know. You plan what you wear! :p:

I actually did have one plan though; move out when I turned 18, I'm now approaching 21 so much for that plan! :shifty:

Lol, meh, I don't always stick to my plans, which is why I have back-up plans!
Reply 2218
How has everyone managed to see you but me :s-smilie:? What do you look like Nitzy? :p:

On the TSR QMUL group on facebook. Well there's only 15 members so I guess it isn't that hard to find me there. :p:

Umm, below sums up what I look like.

I imagined you to be:

Brown, with medium to dark brown eyes (but bright), long hair, fairly short and 100% pagaal.:p:
On the TSR QMUL group on facebook. Well there's only 15 members so I guess it isn't that hard to find me there. :p:

Umm, below sums up what I look like.

Muhahaha, facebook stalking is far too easy.:yep: Which is why my profile is uber private!